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MY day. |
Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 4:08 PM with 0 Comments

Okay, so last friday, I met up with Melissa bestie, Pierrson bestie and Edwin and Chris! :) We met up at the usual place, Parkway Parade. Hahah.
It's good to finally have been able to see them after a long time. I have to admit, we didn't really do much that day. But, at least we all caught up a little on each other's lives and such, i think? HAHA.
And, my bestfriend's birthday is coming~ I don't know what to get for her! Hahah, Melissa I hope you're eggcited. :D Okay, here are some pictures that were taken. I'm not really in many of them since I was the one holding the camera.

Aww, super cute couple: Mel & Chris :)

Pierrson looks blur again as always. HAHA.

My darling Edwin. We fight heck of alot, like husband and wife. seriously. HAHA. but we always make up at the end of the day or rather, days. :)

Pierrson, your teeth will look like that one day FOR REAL if you don't stop smoking. HAH!

Christoper Paul! :)
Okay, so today basically I met up with Sondra dearie after not seeing each other for months! I miss that emo girl heck of alot. As usual, I made fun of her. HAHA, it's so fun bullying her. I'm gonna miss all those times we had in class. The constant cat fights, name calling, silent treatments, making me pay you money just cos I wanted a sip of your drink, you pushing me off the chair and laughing like a psycho, all the laughter we had, but most of all, I'm gonna miss disturbing you in class. :(
Okay, so Sondra and I headed to Tampines Mall and sat outside Starbucks. I had oreo cheesecake, and it totally sucks now since they changed it to er.. smth different? Sondra had her usual caramel frap. Sondra, it's gonna go to your waistline. HAHAHA.
Hmm...., soooo, at about 5.30 plus, Matthew came down all the way to Tampines with his friend, Dominic just to meet me. :D I feel so special. HAHA. :P Ok not.
Then, we went to TAMPINES 1, ok i gotta say the mall looks awesome, but I didn't go to every single store. We only patronized a couple, like Uniqlo, Topshop, Springfield and I don't know what else. Hahah. Uniqlo seriously looks like a Giordano shop, except for the fact that it's super packed with tons of people. I didn't enjoy shopping in there, it's like some market. I like to have lots of free space around me when I shop, and I definitely did not find any in Uniqlo. Moreover, the clothes didn't look that great either. Topshop's still the best. ;)
After window shopping, we all went to Subway and bought cookies. So, we all just sat, chatted, laughed, played scissors paper stone. HAHA, Dominic and Matthew didn't dare to beat my hand very hard! -.- i was so owning them la. I whacked Matthew's hand so hard that it got really red. I'm sorry! HAHA, it's part of the game luh. XD
Kay, so after Subway, the boys went off while Sondra and I had some girly 1 on 1 time again. We went to Pastamania for dinner. I swear I feel really bloated even till now. Hahah, I think i ate too much. Anyway, overall today was a good day. Tomorrow, it's back to school! woohoo!
Life is good! :D

Emo-ing as usual! tsk tsk, sondra sondra...

Some performance that we saw in Tampines 1, i think.

Matthew and Dominic! Haha, this shot is pretty candid actually.

Matthew~! :)

Yes I know. I look down alot. Well, i've dark circles. They aren't a really pleasant sight. HAHA. Everyone has their flaws~

Our dinner! :D

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    tampines 1 SCHOOOOL. I think cupid just shot me.For once, my love life ... skype 1st day of school More pics. NYP CAMP ;D :D Bugis outing. :D