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childhood days |
Posted on Thursday, May 20, 2010 @ 7:35 AM with 0 Comments

My Childhood Days
Hey guys! I know I've not been updating my blog as often these days. It's not because I don't want to, it's mostly cos nothing interesting has been really happening of late. It's just mostly me and school. school. school, and more school. I've 2 more project presentations next week, and woo! I'm done with studying for the rest of this year. Why? Because I'll be doing my attachment soon for my 2nd year in Poly. :) Sure hope it'll be fun!
So, you're probably also wondering, why on earth I wanna talk about My childhood Days..
Well, if you can recall there was a point of time where I was asking for blog entry suggestions, and someone had suggested that I do a blog entry on my childhood. It's definitely not gonna be a 100 page essay about myself from the day I was born till today. That'll take more than a 100 page essay. It's just gonna be brief descriptions here and there. Memories I will share with you that I think are worth sharing and remembering. :)
I won't go into too much detail though. If you're hoping, I'm gonna talk about family issues and such, you definitely won't be reading it here, because I don't like entries to get too personal. And my Mum and Dad wouldn't like it either. sooo yeah. Hahah.
I'd just like to say that yes, I do accept blog entry suggestions and I do take to heart whatever it is you suggest and try my best to do a blogpost about it. There are some who even write in to me via Facebook. I really appreciate all your suggestions, and I really appreciate those who write in to me via Facebook/Formspring telling me they enjoy reading my blog. It is really heartwarming to know that my blog is a joy to read, and possibly a hobby for someone else. :) Thanks for the readership. And to the person who suggested for me to write this blog entry, Here you go! :) So, do I look like a cute baby to you? HAHAHA.

Growing up as a kid, I'd like to think I was pretty much like any other kid in Singapore. A happy one! :) I had everything a little girl would want, pretty dolls to play with, dollhouses, lovely brothers, a mum who loves me unconditionally yet never spares the rod(ouch!), and a dad who spoils me(hehe). To sum it all up, I had a family. And to me, I guess that was enough.

And not to mention, i was a cry baby. I cried a lot.

I always think that a person's childhood days are always the best times of your life. Everything's just so fun, so carefree. You can do something wrong, and not get the blame for it, because as a kid, you learn from your mistakes. And how big can a mistake possibly get? "Oops, 1+1 =2 not 11"
We learn, we grow out of our mistakes.

This is a picture of my dad with my older brother and myself. I used to have really curly hair. I wonder what happened to that.. hmm...

Little fat chubby me and my older brother, Omar. Omar was the only kid in the family who looked really Eurasian or Caucasian-ish when he was a kid. I was a little fat girl who looked hmm.. God knows what I looked like. HAHA, and my younger brother.. well, he looked really Japanese/Chinese. Hahah. It's so weird isn't it?

When I was a kid, I always, always, and I mean ALWAYS wanted to become a singer. Hmm, till this day, that dream never dies I guess, but that's why it's called a dream. Dreams don't really come true. Sometimes they do, but it's like a one in a million chance.

When I was in Primary school, I always aspired to be a teacher and a shop owner. Hahaha, kids have so many ambitions.. particularly me.
I remember forcing my brother to sit himself down through tuition classes conducted by ME. HAHAHA, I'd make a Singapore flag out of paper and forced him to say the Pledge and sing the National Anthem. HAHAHAHA. Hahah, funny as hell.
I think the funniest thing I ever did when I was a kid, was, well, I used to open a shop at home and sell things I could lay my hands on around the house. There's a picture my dad took, but I can't seem to find it! If I can, I'll add it in this post again! :)
Anyway, yes about the shop, I used to sell things around the house. My only customers being my dad, mum, and my 2 brothers. HAHA. Yes I was such an entrepreneur you could say. Funny thing is, sometimes the things they bought would wound up back in the shop the next day even after purchasing it. HAHAHA, and they'd have to buy it all over again.
There was even one time, I created a membership card for my shop and sold it for about $2 I think or was it $5? Anyway, my dad bought a membership card that would enable him to get a 20% discount each time he made a purchase. Funny thing was, the shop never opened again after he bought that card.

My younger brother Shahadan! hahaha, so cute right? I absolutely adore this picture of him. I wonder what was going through his cute tiny head when this picture was taken, YEARSSSSSSS ago.

My dad used to wear these hugeeeee round glasses and used to have like this really thick moustache. You wanna know something really funny? My brother, Omar to be specific was really really mischievous as a kid, and I'm not even gonna get started on the many many things he did, but I will share with you one short story.
The story involves Vicks Vapo Rub. HAHAHA. If you don't know how it looks like, have a look below. It's used to like clear blocked noses and stuff.

So my dad often uses this every night even to this very day. But there is never a day where my dad forgets this. In fact, my dad is slightly traumatized to this very day, because of my older brother.. and well, what he did, knowing or unknowingly. It's a mystery. HAHAHA.
One night, my dad applied Vicks Vaporub beneath his nose because he was y'know having the flu. It just so happened, that it felt so weird when he applied it on. Something just didn't feel right.
To his surprise, when he turned on the lights and looked in the mirror, there was probably hundreds of dead termites on his moustache. Termites that my brother had killed and stored in the Vicks Vaporub. LOL. It's helluva funny I swear. Was it a set up? I don't know. HAHAHHA.
My poor dad...

If there's one thing we loved, it was playing dress up at home! :)

The 3 of us were inseparable when we were kids. :)

I also remember that I had always wanted to be a Ballerina. But I gave up that dream after my Aunt Pauline told me how painful it was to tiptoe on your feet, and that some of her friends who were ballerinas had their toes bleed when they first tried it. The thought scared me, so I gave that up. HAHA.
Oh and I'm sorry for the dusty photo frame. heh x)

When I was in primary school, I was really tan because I used to play outdoors a lot, and also because I used to swim almost everyday. If it wasn't at Safra Tampines, it would be back in my old Terrace house in Jalan Paras. My dad used to have occasional pool parties there and invite my cousins over. No, we didn't have a built in Pool, it was one of those blow up ones, but it was REALLY HUGE! And back when i was little, guess the water already seemed pretty deep to me.
Gah, I miss those days. I remember how fun it was. Every time, we heard a bicycle bell ring, we knew it was Mark and Maryanne from like 2 houses away. It was our way of calling one another out to play. Playing was so fun, i remember we used to collect Saga seeds and sell them to this man who paid us sweets and chocolates. I remember I had my own Saga Seed collection. Man, I had probably hundreds of them. Now, it's so hard to even find any Saga Seeds in Singapore. It's been so long since I've last seen any.
Playing in the longkang, catching guppies was definitely my all time favourite. I know this seems pretty mean too, but we used to catch lizards and like do science experiments on them. HAHA, or erm, cook them. But we don't eat them, DUH. Now when I think about it, boy were we all realllyyy reallly mean. But hey, you can't blame us, we were kids. What did we know?! Everything seemed so strange and new to us.
If there's one thing I miss, it's definitely playing Cooking. We used to cook whatever we could find, from leaves to twigs. It was really so fun.
Guess you could say I was pretty mischievous as a kid too. I remember one time, my neighbours, my brothers and I, made our very own Donation tin can out of a Milo Box, and we went around, asking for donations for the "poor". Don't think people really bought it la, but guess they pitied us, so we managed to get a few dollars. I remember splitting the money up, among ourselves. The money was used for candies, chocolates and whatnot. HAHA, If I did that now, I'd land in jail. HAHA. Oh well, the things we do as a kid sometimes...

My Parents. Thank you Mum and Dad for giving me the best gift of all. The gift of Life. :)


This is my favourite top! I couldn't help but keep one for myself! :) Love love love it! It's so stretchable, yet so comfortable to wear. :D

Don't hesitate to check out all the new arrivals at Studiofrost! I'm sure you'll find something that you'll like! Happy shopping ladies! :D
And with that, I've come to the end of this post. This post took me more than 2 hours to complete, including all the lags in between. Haha, glad it's done! wheeee(: Hope you enjoyed the read, and thanks for reading if you've read the ENTIRE ENTRY. Do feel free to tell me what you think yeah! :) Formspring me (:
And if you've any other blog entry suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know alright, because I take every suggestion to heart and I try my best to fulfil your 'wish'! :) Take care guys!
Lots of Love,
Sofia Dendroff

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
♥ Friends ♥ Family ♥ GOD
♥ Modelling ♥ Animals♥
I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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