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Halloween At The Night Safari! |
Posted on Sunday, November 1, 2009 @ 4:24 AM with 0 Comments

Sooo, Halloween yesterday at the Night Safari was alright. It definitely was not what Sondra and I expected. We expected to get spooked out hell of A LOT. But sadly, it really wasn't all that scary.I guess we both kinda just forgot that regardless of Halloween or not, the main purpose in patronising the Night Safari is STILL for the sake of the animals there. The spooks and scares here and there,well they're all just additional.

When we got there, it was filled with thousands and thousands of people.It was so so so soooo crowded. Thank God Sondra and I already had our tickets otherwise we'd have to queue for ages, and that doesn't even include queueing up for the admission. The rain totally killed my mood. The train of terror ride had to be suspended till late at night(till the rain stopped), so we were only allowed to ride on the Normal Tram ride and that was just B-o-r-i-n-g.

I preferred walking honestly, it was a lot more adventurous and it was kinda creepy on it's own just walking with Sondra at night trying to manoeuvre our way through the park. Certain parts of the park were really eerie and deserted.
We boarded the Train of Terror ride(we paid an additional 13 bucks for this), to HOPEFULLY finally witness some real action/terror.
Bloooodyyy helll, three-quarters of the ride was just like any old normal tram ride just that they cocked up some really lame stories about the animals, like "Watch out, these pigs can kill you".Ok, wtf? LOL.

I was amused, weirdly. The final quarter of the ride... FINALLY! SOME TERROR. I screamed a couple of times, cause' a few ghosts came at me. Scary shit man. One of the ghosts even hopped on the tram, and tons of people were screaming their arse off. HAHA. Ohhh, and Sondra and I felt like butchering those people with their stupid flash cameras.We were totally blinded during the journey. Each time a ghost came up, tons of flash would be flashing in our direction, or rather in ALL DIRECTIONS. It was so hard to even see what was going on.
The couple sitting beside us were using DSLR cameras, the flash was even more intense. FML.

The train of terror ride ended at around 12.10am or so? So, we decided to head out to meet my Mom and Dad at Ben & Jerry's.
Sondra and I were pretty upset that none of us took any pictures throughout the day since it was pretty dark in most parts of the park to use our non-flash cameraphones.:(
BUT, luckily my dad saved the day and whipped out his Blackberry and took pictures of Sondra and I with some of the scary costumed characters. These were only a handful because a lot of other people were trying just as hard as we were to grab hold of these 'ghosts' to snap a picture or two with them.

The pictures are shown below.
Ignore how unglam we look, the rain totally ruined our makeup and hair.
The PumpkinHead/Scarecrow. I've nooooo idea.

This woman/ghost scared the shit outta me. This was like the 3rd take. The first two got me running away from her or laughing like shiz. She kept looking at me from the corner of her eye and coming closer to my face. What's even scarier was that she never blinked, and she kept humming a really scary song to my ear!


Don'tknow what's he supposed to be. All I know was that this little dude, kept running around scaring people with his loud screams.
I hate Clowns.

Cinderella gone wrong?
This butcher dude scared the crap outta me during the Train of Terror ride. He came at me with his butcher knife and was like, "EH PRETTY LADY! ARE YOU MY DINNER?!" or something like that. I screamed so loud cos I didn't expect him to come so close to me luh. Could've gotten a heart attack.

I wanted to take a picture with him, so I accidentally shouted "EH! ALADDIN!". Little did I know, he actually heard me, turned around, ran to me, and shouted in my ear, "YES?!".

So that's how my Halloween went this year! How about yours? If you went to the Night Safari too and you're reading this, I'd looooveee to know how you felt about the night in my tagboard! :D
Bye all, have a good day.xx

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    Halloween!!~ I Love The Park. HILARIOUS ! LOVE THISS EPISODE! HAHA,WATCH IF YOU ... the wonders of skype. down with the sickness. What hurts the most. As You Like It; Kris (: Failure feeling blue.