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MCH Practice <3 |
Posted on Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 9:58 AM with 0 Comments

MCH Practice in school today was fun! Something totally different. We didn't expect the task that we were given today to be pretty challenging. Usually, makeup practices would just be of us doing makeup on each other ,practicing our skills based on different themes(example, last week the theme was BRIDAL Makeup). This week, we had to apply makeup on ourselves!!
The twist of it?
Hahah, it was hilarious how all of us were trying to use anything, and i mean anything that had some sorta reflection on it in the hopes of being able to see what the hell we were applying and doing to our face. Hahah.
This is the look that I achieved below! (I did cheat a little by using the Mirror of my blusher, HAHA). But I wasn't the only one, noone really cared anymore and just used any mirror they could find, even the reflection at the back of their IPods. Funny people.
Kenneth and Jack were so funny. Both guys, and they had to apply makeup on themselves. Too bad David didn't come for practice today, I would loooveee to see some EYESHADOW on him. ;)

So in the end, this is what we came up with below.
I called my look, "Cleopatra". Sassy huh? Hahah, the colours are pretty neutral, a mixture of Gold and Brown. It's not really that clear in the pictures though.

I helped Namira with her eyeshadow which is why it looks pretty similar to mine. She called hers, "Brown Sugar" though. Hahaha.

Namira, MCH President(Neera), Myself and MCH Vice-President(Syahira)

After MCH Practice, Wawa, Namira and I headed to Bugis to have lunch at Long John Silver. I feel so guilty after eating. Hahah, i need to cut down on my food these couple of weeks. I've got 2 photoshoots coming up! Excited!
We did a little shopping at Bugis Street. Went to Diva to buy my mum something for her birthday!
Even though you can be really(x1000) naggy. Always telling me to apply this that blabla on my face, my skin etcetc. My Mum is really obsessed with skin and hair. Always buying me facial/skin products and hair products. Must be her genes that I didn't turn out to be pimply-faced. Love you Mummy! :)
After that, we headed back home! :) I was tooo exhausted so I didn't join in the camwhoring session with Wawa and Namira in the Bus.
Wow, I didn't know I was THAT sleepy. HAHAH.

Have a good day, although the day is already almost over. :P
Lots of love, Sofia. xoxo

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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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