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Posted on Sunday, May 30, 2010 @ 2:32 PM with 0 Comments

My dearest Bimbo, we've been friends for such a long time, to be exact, we've been friends for 6 and a half years. :) Seems really long doesn't it? It scares me y'know. How quickly time flies. In another year, I'll be turning 20. God, the big 2 already sends shivers down my spine. I can't help but hate growing up sometimes. So many responsibilities. In a few years, I'll thrown into the working world, fighting to fend for my own survival, lest of course, I happen to get married and find myself a mega rich husband and live as a Tai-tai forever, which only happens in dreams. HAHA. Then again, I think the life of a Tai-tai is boring, I'd rather work for my own money, and make use of the education I was given instead. :)
Anyway before I sidetrack typing about an entirely different thing(I've a tendency to do that), let me talk about the day spend with my friend Amanda on her birthday! :) The day was pretty fun I must say, though short, it was really great being able to see my friends after such a long time! It's soooo sad that Tina, Aishah, Sheryll etc, were not able to make it. Where are you guys? ):
So all of us had lunch at Suntec and right after lunch we headed out for some window shopping! Well pretty much window shopping for them, and erm.. shopping for me. Ahh, I can't help myself really. Whenever I see pretty things, I MUST GET IT. I ended up buying for myself a Tie-dye bag, and like 5 pairs of earrings. HAHA. But it was a steal, because the earrings were going at like $3 a pair, and they're super nice! :) To me, at least.

Amanda the birthday girl! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~

Don't you just want to punch my face? It looks so punchable from this view.

Woohoo, another punchable face shot! POW!

The two who used to disturb Sondra and I at the back of class in Secondary school since they sat right behind us. We'd be paying attention in class and these 2 would be busy cutting up eraser dust and throwing it at us from behind whilst laughing to themselves. HAHA.

The mini cake that Clarissa bought for Amanda! Doesn't it just look so tempting?



Hm... wallet? I wonder...


What the ..! LOL. SOME COW UNDERWEAR. ZARA ZARA.. she said it was meant to be funny, and no, it's not even from Victoria's Secret. We all got duped!

Hahaha, but looks kinda cute anyway aye? :)

She and I, we've been through quite a bit together, she was definitely one of my closest friends in Secondary school though we used to quarrel heck of a lot. I remember how childish we used to be after every fight.
We sit beside each other in class you see, so everytime after we fought, I'd purposely move my table a few centimetres away from hers, as an indication to show I'm angry. HOW LAME RIGHT? LOL.
But hey, that's all secondary school stuff, I've matured! (I think).

We were in some place called Etude? I don't really know what the shop is called.

Clarissa and I! :)

After Etude House, we headed to Sasa because Amanda realized her fake lashes were floating above her eyelashes. It was soo funny. LOL. You know how you're supposed to like glue the lashes to your lash bone or something, whatever it's called(k not that sure, I don't use falsies xP)
She glued the falsies on her eyelids, so it was floating in the middle of nowhere. HAHAH

Wheeee group picture! :D
I'm gonna miss these girls. I'm definitely missing life in Secondary school. If you're in an all girls school, and you think that life will definitely be more fun once you're in a mixed school(Poly/JC), you're so wrong. I really miss being in an All-girls school. I miss not giving a shit about what I wear to school(because we all wear the same uniform), and I miss just being myself in class(which is hm.. retarded). In Poly, I guess it is still, pretty hard for me to fully open up. Noone else knows me better than my friends in Secondary school. Noone really knows how hyper I get with my friend Sheryll, how crazy I get with my friend Amanda, how I sing when I'm with my friend Zara, how I like to disturb Sondra in school(HAHAH, ok that's mean of me but aiya, everyone always knows I'm just kidding, right SONSON? ;D )
Damn, I miss everything about Secondary school, from the food to the teachers, to the classrooms, even assembly surprisingly. I even miss singing the National Anthem every morning and saying the school pledge. In Poly, you'll never really truly feeling the tight bond with friends as you do with Secondary school friends. If you do, then well, that's good for you I guess. But it's different for me, it's easy for me to open up to somebody, it's easy for me to socialize and make new friends, but it's never easy for me to fully feel comfortable around them. Guess it's cos I've grown up with some of these girls I guess. I've been friends with some of them almost throughout my entire life. Like Sondra, we've known each other since Primary 1. Hahah, and we used to hate each other then. Well I guess she hated me since I used to bully her in school. LOL, ok i'm sorry, I was just a Primary school kid! D:
I've repented! x)
Gah, if I could turn back time, there's so many things I wanna relive all over again. So many things that I used to take for granted, that I wanna experience all over again. If I could turn back time, I'd wanna pay more attention in class, I'd wanna re-do my O levels and get into a JC. I'd wanna undo all the fights I've ever had with my friends. But if there's one thing I'd never wanna undo... I'd never ever wanna change the friends I've made and lost over the years. They say, friends come and go. It's all part and parcel of life. The friends who decided to go, they're the friends not worth keeping, the friends who've stayed with you throughout all these years, they're the friends worth keeping. Friends worth cherishing.
And I'm glad, I've come to realize who they are today. They're the ones who never fail to try and meet up with you despite your busy and different schedules, they're the ones who have the time to stay in touch with you. Thank you God for giving me such great friends. I don't need a thousand or a million friends to truly stay happy. All I need are the few that I already have. The ones who've been through so much with me. The ones who never left when I needed them the most. :)
Thank you Amanda for being one of these friends! I love youuuu and Have a great 19th Birthday! :D We have to meet up soon ok? Stay happy, always!

After hanging out with my KC Girlfriends, Baby picked me up from Marina Square and we had dinner at our usual place. Seoul Garden! This time, dinner was on me because Baby always treats me to dinner and movies etc, so this time I wanted to give him a treat! :D Hope you enjoyed dinner!
I realize something about me, whenever I eat at Seoul Gardens, I turn into a human pig. I eat so much it scares my boyfriend sometimes. It's like my stomach is so big it can store soooo much food. Everytime we go to Seoul Gardens, my baby will the one who stops eating first before I do, and he'd have to like watch me eat. HAHA. I can't believe myself sometimes. I eat so much and don't exercise. How lazy can I get. It's no wonder my baby calls me Babi sometimes. He'll sms me like, "Good morning Babi". HAHAHA. my boyfriend thinks he's damn funny. Hmph.

Our favourite place. E-Hub Downtown East! Movies are alwayssss here. If it's not here, it's at Tampines. We're such movie junkies I swear.
If you guys think we're a boring couple because we're always non-stop watching movies, well don't bother thinking that way ok because we love the way we are. If we don't watch movies at the cinemas, I'd be bringing DVDS over to his place or we'd be renting movies at Video Ezy or something. HAHA. Sorry uh, no life uh. HAHAHA.

I LOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY BOYFRIEND! Can't believe in a few days, it'll be our 4th month already. How slow does time fly you tell me? When it comes to us, time seems to pass so slowly . It feels as though we've already been together for years! ;P

love you love you love you love you love you love you love you loveeee youu(x1billiontrillionzilliongazillionjillionfillionhazillionwillionnillionsofilian). ((:

Sooooo, the movie we decided to watch is.................

Prince of Persia! :D
A really nice show, but the showtime we caught was like 11.10pm which was why I couldn't help but have my eyes closing uncontrollably at a few parts. But all in all, this show is just great! :) Catch it if you haven't!
I'm not gonna tell you in detail what this movie is about because for those who have not caught it yet, I most definitely do not want to ruin the show for you, so just google the Synopsis of the show if you wanna know what's it about! :)
P.S 4 MORE DAYS TO SEND IN YOUR ENTRIES FOR MY BLOG GIVEAWAY. :D Scroll down for the details guys! :D Chances of you winning is really high because not many people have submitted their entries! So don't wait, join in the thrill!
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  1. Your Name
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  3. A picture of yourself (with/without a fansign)
Lots of Love,
Sofia Dendroff

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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