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Monday and Tuesday(BIRTHDAY) :D |
Posted on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 @ 2:58 PM with 0 Comments

Today was really fun and it was spent with Melissa, Pierrson & Chris! :D I finally got to meet up with mel and pierrson after many many failed planned meetups. i miss them fuckloads. :D & don't worry melsies, we'll meet soon, cos your butterfly clip is still with meee. hahah
So, the day started with me meeting Mel at 11am, then we took the bus and train to meet Pierrson. Mel and I bought ice cream which totally rocked, one of the best ice creams i've tasted so far! (Gelatissimo) or smth. ?.?
Then...we went up to Lido to buy movie tickets to Wild Child. That was when, Mel called her boyfriend Chris to come along with us. So chris came down to meet us too. The show Wild Child was reallllyyy nice, a cool chick flick. Hahah, pierrson and chris were like some of the only guys in the cinema. Pierrson sorta fell asleep halfway, and Chris.. well. i'm sure he enjoyed the movie. Haha

After that Mel and i went for sunnies shopping. Sadly, we didn;t fidn any nice pairs. ):
Ah well... so we all walked to cineleisure and ate at Long John Silver. Since Aaron was also in the same building, he came to LJS, to say hello. HAHAH
At around 7.10pm, Pierrson left, so it was just Mel, Chris and I. We headed to some building(i forgot), and we went to TOYS R US! :D AND IT WAS SUPER FUN IN THERE,. cos we were playing like little kids! Chris said something really super funny that got me and Mel laughing for minutes. HAHAH . So yeah, that was about it for Monday. But yeah, it was fun & I enjoyed myself! (:

It's my birthday todayyyyyy!!! and i'm finally 17!! haha, i feel old though i don't look old.
Anyway, at 12am, Alastair messaged(:, Aaron messaged(:,Melissa msn-ed and Yicheng msn-ed(: HAHA
Daniel called me too to wish me happy birthday(: and so did Sheryll(SHE SUNG ME THE SONG, SHE'S LIKE... :( one of my best friends i'll always remember) love you babe.
Many others wished me too like, Raihana, Tina,Natalie,Niki,Ian,Peter, Zara, Amanda, Diyana, Dayana, Nik, Alicia, Sheena, Amirrudin, Endy, Samuel, Shahrizad(?), Keith, Sharifah, and many others who sent me friendster comments or birthday messages. Thank you so much for making my birthday so special. :D

So, woke up late this morning and had to tell Ashley to meet up later cos I couldn;t make it by 1.30, so we met up at 2.30 instead. At Orchard Mrt, some really hot caucasian dude whistled at me as I was going up the escalator. i was like (wtf). HAHAH. Anyway... Ash and i headed to Lido and decided to watch The day the eatrh stood still. It was kinda boring i must say. Ashley fell asleep a few times. haha
I was supposed to meet Aaron nearby but I couldn't in the end cos I had to meet my family in Parkway. So.. right after the movie, I went down to Parkway to meet them. :D

My dad bought me this really pretty dress worth about $112 and my mum bought me skin care products blabla rounding up to $205. Then, we went to Esprit and they bought me 2 really nice caps :D Hahah. After that, we tried this treasure chest game(if you spend $400 and above). I had to stick my hand in a bag full of keys and take 2. Each key could be used on 3 different treasure chests. So, the first key I used magically OPENED THE FIRST CHEST. AND I WON SOME $10 FISH AND CO VOUCHER. how lucky can i get man. But the 2nd key, didn't open any. WELL, i'm still glad i won something, it's already super hard just to win, cos there are only bout 6 chests and hundreds of keys probably. Hahah :D
Then, we headed to Fish and co, TO EAT. YUMMY YUMMY. the food there was awesome :D and yeah, as usual, we had our family jokes , laughter blabla. i love my family (:
but as always, my older brother is never there during family outings. sadly.

anyway. this is the end of today :D Birthday ends in 39 minutes. awwwww....

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    forever young uberbored. uberbored. :) Work work work work :D :D i broke a plate. anonymous :D the working life More than we bargained for. cheesed off.