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:) amk hub |
Posted on Monday, May 4, 2009 @ 1:05 PM with 0 Comments


Super cute couple, Helen & Clement! :)

Ain!! :D

Okay, i'm not gonna bother blogging about school since everyday is pretty monotonous. After school, Helen, Ain , Andrew and I decided to head to AMK Hub to just slack around and have lunch. We wanted to go to Subway but there were no seats left so we just decided to go over to Mos Burger instead. Clement, Helen's boyfriend also came down to join us. I swear, talking with them is pretty funny cos I laughed so much today that my tummy was hurting. Hahah, Andrew and Clement are so annoying. They kept calling me 'seductive' the whole day. wtf right? LOL. Well, it's an inside joke so yeah, you guys probably won't get it. Hahah, so we chatted rubbish for hours till about like 6pm plus, then my mum suddenly called asking me where I was and stuff, so yeah, after that it was HOME SWEET HOME FOR ME. :) Good day for me I guess! :)

Photo taken last Saturday with my drama friend, Simbian! :)

eeee wtf, stupid lousy picture quality makes me look like as if I've dandruff! I DO NOT.

Hmm.... you guys may probably be wondering why did I upload the photos above? Well, I was just browsing through my old pictures till I came across these few and realized how much I actually miss my 'old' hair, and yeah, I miss my bangs.
My hair is really soo long, hahah, my mum calls me a pontianak at home. HAHAH!
Time for me to get a haircut soon, I can't bear for my hair to be short so maybe just a trim or something? And I'm suddenly craving for red streaks in my hair. I've always wanted to try short hairstyles like, bob or smth? or.... those damn sexy short hair but each time I enter the salon, I always end up changing my mind because I can't bear to not have long hair. I've been having long hair since I was like a little kid. Time to have some balls to try out new things. Someday I will... someday... :P

Till then,
Toodles. xoxo

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    Okay I'm back from school! I skipped my dental app... boredom So, me and my mum fought at home which led to her ... :) Dear blog,School was boring today. From 11.10am to... So I was walking around class when I saw the book ... Okay, let me tell you a little about school today!... MY day. tampines 1 SCHOOOOL.