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weird encounter with a stranger in bus 76. |
Posted on Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 12:17 PM with 0 Comments

Ain and I! :)
Daryle Goh. :)
Fariha! :)
The one at the computer is my effective writing teacher. Most boring teacher ever.
Falila, Helen, Seng Yong & Kensiew aka Aunty. :P
Everyone looooves Muah Cheee! :D
So.... school was alright today! Yet again, another normal school day. Nothing exciting has been happening lately. No cute guys to gawk at. Sadly. HAHA, That's totally what makes school more exciting and fun! xD Oh, no more angmoh exchange students to stare at anymore at. Boohooo , I'm sure Ain must feel the saddest since she literally goes all squealy each time she sees a hot angmoh guy in school. HAHA, Falila too. And me? Well, I'll just join in the squealing. It's fun you know. HAHA, I remember that there was one totally cute caucasian exchange student who walked past me with a smile on his face. He even winked at me on his way out. I swear I almost choked on my Fillet O Fish Burger. HAHA! Falila was there with me at that point in time.
Ohhh, lemme tell you guys something totally weird that happened to me yesterday.
School ended early so I decided to take a bus and head down to the usual place where I get my threading and facial done. The bus journey from school is really long (1 1/2 hours), so I'll usually buy a magazine each time I board the bus or I'll fall asleep. This time I decided to fall asleep since I was feeling really tired. I woke up from a really bumpy bus ride to find a guy sitting really close to me. Thank goodness there were books in between us.It sorta acted as a barrier.
So, the guy suddenly talked to me, and he asked me where Parkway Parade was. Since I was heading in that direction too and alighting somewhere around that area, I decided to be the kind girl that I am(HAHA) and offer to give him directions once we alighted the bus. I thought he was nice at first since he said I looked beautiful as I was sleeping.Ok fine that wasn't nice, that's just FUCKING CREEPY. LOL.
SOOOO, we alighted the bus, and suddenly this dude called Bruce, started asking so much about myself. Where I lived, where I was going after this, did I have a boyfriend and blabla. It was soo annoying. He even carressed my arm a few times. At one point in time, he even gave me a pat on my shoulder for don't know what reason. I just wanted to run away. HAHA.
Oh yeahhh, and the guy's from NUS btw, he looks really ... hm... geeky and weird. Ew. No way was I even gonna give him my number. Yeah, he even asked.
So, I couldn't take all his shit anylonger cos I was feeling creeped out, I just walked him over to Roxy Square and told him to ask other people for directions to Parkway. OH, DO YOU KNOW HE EVEN SAID HE WANTED TO WAIT FOR ME AFTER MY FACIAL? AND THAT HE WANTED TO TAKE ME OUT FOR DINNER? like wtf. Who the hell would say yes in the first place? This isn't the movies. If you say that to a stranger, of course he or she would say no, unless you're fucking Zac Efron. But you're not, so piss off!
Quickly walked really fast, once we parted ways. Took my handphone out and dialled Harris to tell him of my strange encounter with this young man. I was just about to say out really loudly, that I met a fucking weirdo, WHEN BRUCE(the weirdo aka stalker), suddenly walked past me really fast and was like, " Hi! We meet again!". Scary shit. Thank goooooodness, I was on the phone with Harris at that point of time and that I didn't blurt out too quickly that I met a fucking weirdo. He(Bruce) might have heard me when he suddenly walked past, and who knows? I may end up dead soon after.
I heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't stop to chat to me. Seriously. It was an extremely weird encounter...

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    Dick Lee is really sucha Dick. Deja vu. Awesome Monday! (: joke of the year. get over yourself mofo. tonight will be the night that I will fall for you... Carry me home. birthday girl! Zirca. Credits; Helen HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3