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shitloads of pictures. are you ready? :P |
Posted on Saturday, December 19, 2009 @ 10:39 AM with 0 Comments

The Best Birthday Ever! - My 18th!

First of all, before I start blogging.. I just wanna thank my mum and dad for buying me this beauty(above). They finally bought me my very own digital camera! AND IT'S PINK!
It feels damn good to not have to rely on other people for pictures! Hahha, really. :D
Okay so anyway...let's begin on my little birthday adventure.
Oh yeah, thanks to everyone who wrote on my Facebook wall wishing me happy birthday! There were just too many comments for me to reply to all. I grew tired after replying a few! But I wanna thank you guys here anyway!THANK YOU!
Thanks to Melissa my bestestbestbestbest friend for being so cute and calling me at 11.57am, and waiting on the phone with me till 12! She didn't want anyone else to wish me first but her. Hahah, Namira thanks for calling to wish me too!
Thank you for the sweet smses and MSN Messages too when the clock struck 12. I really felt so loved that day. The best feeling of all? That people actually bothered to stay till 12 to wish me. Thank you for making me feel so important. I love you guys. Really. (:
So... I got fooled twice on my birthday. Why am i so gullible? Hahaha, it was a good laugh in the end anyways.
Well,I was a little sad because right after lecture, my clique sorta went off without wishing me happy birthday. Helen and Falila stayed with me. However, they too were heading off.
So... Helen was telling me that she and her boyfriend were going to Sentosa right after school but she wanted me to follow her to Macdonalds in school to buy Waffles from one of the stalls there.
I did. Little did I know, what was supposed to be a little tag-along thing turned out to be something that almost made me tear.
Helen pulled me by my hand and led me to a table where I suddenly saw my entire class gathered there. And there they were too, my clique members. :')
Sitting right in the middle of the table, a chocolate birthday cake.
Noone had ever bought for me a cake before, except my parents of course. I was just so so so so touched. I was literally trembling as I sat down to cut the cake and blow the candles. I was speechless for a while, and all i could say was Oh My God.. Oh My God..
I was fooled by Kensiew who said she was heading home. I was fooled by Helen for telling me that she was heading to Sentosa with Clement. And I felt like a nut for a moment for actually feeling excited for her, telling her to sit on the luge and all. Hahha, turns out the whole thing was just made up.

Some of my classmates! :) :)
Thanks you guys for coming down to sing me a birthday song. ^^

Helen and Falila! :D

Falila and Wanhong! :D
The birthday card by my clique members in school.
Thanks Fariha,Ain,Daryle,Falila,Helen and Kensiew! <3
The card said, "A friend like you deserves to be pampred to perfection.Enjoy your day."
Cutting the cake.

Fariha! :D

Ain, being her smiley self! :D
Kensiew! :D

Daryle! :D

Props go to my clique for organizing the whole thing. How can I ever thank you guys enough? :')
And Daryle, thank you for the sweet birthday card you wrote for me. :)
Thanks for making the first half of my day already so damn special. You guys are simply the best. ^^
Right after meeting my clique, Namira wanted me to meet her,Wawa,Shikin and the guys at the North canteen! Thanks for remembering, and for wishing me. Hahah!

Namira! :D

Shikin! :)
Izzat trying to be a... mermaid?

Wawa! :D

After school, I got home and got ready to meet Melissa my bestfriend at 5pm under my block! :D The plan was just a nice birthday dinner treat at Royal's Cafe at Siglap and then head off to meet Harris later on! Well.... so i thought. Hahah.

Waiting under the block. Haha.

Okay, so Met up with Melissa and we took a bus to Siglap. Camwhored during the whole bus journey. There was a really really funny picture we both took, but I decided not to post it. HAHA. Lemme ask Melissa for permission first once she gets back from KL. hahah.

At the bus stop.

So.... before we headed to Royal's Cafe, we went to Starbucks first to get a drink! :) Chris cam down a little while because he said he was off to meet Rikhil and Edwin.
Once again... SO I THOUGHT.. hahahah.

Chris left soon after. And so, Mel brought me to Royal's Cafe! :D
When I got there, I was so damn surprised to suddenly see so many people there!
Harris,Hariz,Nikkie,Megan,Mark,Pierrson and Annaan. AND, THERE CHRIS WAS. HAHA. There was no Rikhil and Edwin. That was all made up too.
I got tricked 2 times in a day. HAHA. Oh and they all bought me a cake! :D
Looks simple but it tastes heavenly! HAHA, thank you luh guys! :D
Chris and Hariz. :D

Megan,Nikkie and Mark!
LOLOOL. Mark looks so happy!
Pierrson's face damn steam. hahahah

Bestfriend!! (:

Harris! :D
Oh, Pierrson felt bad for not giving me anything, so he rummaged through his wallet and gave me this. HAHAH! 20 cents off Pocari Sweat Isotonic Drink. HAHHAHA.
Presentsss!! :D
I opened the wrapped pink box to find these!! OMG OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
no not Dr Martens. HAHA, BUT THEY STILL LOOK DAMN OMG... THANKS GUYS! :D I'VE ALWAYS WANTED BOOTS. I'm so damn touched you guys actually remembered my shoe size and of me ranting in the past on how much I wanted white boots!
Thanks Megan,Nikkie,Hariz,Annaan and Mark! All chip in sia. so sweet! (:
Thank you Melissa & Chris for the Hula & Co. Toga Dress! :D I tried it on and I love it! <3>
Thanks Harrisssss<3>

Annaan and I! :)

Megan trying to be an Ah-lian. HAHA.
Anyway, after meeting these great bunch of people, I headed to The Butter factory to meet Celeste and her friends!! Thanks to Melissa for organizing this and tricking me. HAHA, love you bestfriend! <3>


Group picture! These girls are so nice and sweet! :D

Cindy and I! She was super duper drunk that night.

Anyway, the rest of the pictures are in Cindy's camera because I didn't bring my bag in the club. I left my stuff in the locker. I'll post em up once I get it from her! :D

So to end off this post, I just wanna say that, I owe it to all my friends and my family too for contributing to the best birthday I've ever had! :)

Thanks Uncle Terry for the huge angpao packet! Hahah! :D ^^

Lots of love,

Sofia Dendroff.

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    restless night. Okay okay.. I know I've not been blogging frequent... :'( Butterfactory A night to remember.. i'm so bored 2.37am, i've nothing to do but watch ... Stagearts Alumni Night 09' blood red lipstick. I fell in love with the deejay Panic Wonderland