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Sound Series 2! |
Posted on Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 3:58 PM with 0 Comments

Trisha, me and Nikkie!~ :)

My hot sisters Nikkie and Megan!

Jen looks like a druggie in this picture. HAHA.


William looks like a goat here. i don't know why.

Tracy and I! :)
My hair looks damn messy here. HAHA. No wait, my hair is ALWAYS messy. But yesterday was ugly messy. ): sadly.
The hotties except Jen. HAHA!
I kept calling Jen a PIMP, because he was surrounded by girls the whole day.
My SFAM! :D (Sister from another mother)

Hungry and tired... we were waiting for our Macdonalds to come. Hahah, we looked like homeless people.

Okie,so yesterday was really fun! I've no regrets at all spending 24 bucks at St James Powehouse. Ok maybe a little, since we all missed the gigs(except for the last few) and fashion show and whatever that happened before 11pm.
Thank gosh I managed to catch Keith's gig! It's no wonder he told me before to look out for the stage. Little did I know, I saw Keith on stage performing with his band! :)

At around 11.30pm, the real party started! Dancing with Tracy,Megan,Crystal,Jen and Nikkie was really fun! I had never danced so much before. I guess it's all about the people whom you go with. If they're hyper, their energy somewhat gets passed to you and you too will start feeling damn hyper. We took off our heels and danced the night away! :)
Soon enough, strangers started coming up to us asking if they too could join in the fun.

Oh and some drama happened that I shan't mention, but Tracy, thanks for so called, standing up for me. Hahah, but next time don't bother lah, it's not worth the risk! :)
Met up with Annaan, Edwin,Mark, Trisha and William in the club too.

After dancing for hours, we headed to a van where Keith and the rest of his band members resided. By then it was already pretty late I guess. The whole event ended at 3am, and by then we were tired,exhausted and famished.
Mark,Annaan,Nikkie,Megan,Crystal,Tracy,William,Jen and I chilled outside Vivo by the side of the road. For a moment, I felt homeless. HAHA, we all decided to order Macdonalds in the end because we were honestly too lazy to walk to the coffeeshop.

We sat there camwhoring, laughing, talking and whatnot that time flew so fast I swear. Before we knew it, the first bus had already arrived. So, all of us packed our bags and left.
Reached home somewhere near 7, used the laptop for a bit and slept at around 8am!

Woke up at 3pm, went to the salon to get my hair dyed and highlighted. It's now of a reddish tone. I LOVE ITT! :)
Anyway, i'm looking forward to Kensiew's house party later and Edwin,Rikhil & Chris's chalet later on! Busy busy busy!
The holidays have been great so far! :)

Inquizzy's birthday to attend to on Thursday at the Butter factory! Rest assured I'll come! Can't wait to meet you and thanks for the shirt in advance! Lol

P.S Jeremy wants me to add that he was right behind me in the queue at St James. HAHA! Wth la Jer, behind me then never even say hello! I want to see how you loook like. & why do you always call me Tyra. HAHA, tsk.

Lots of love,
Sofia. xoxo

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    shitloads of pictures. are you ready? :P restless night. Okay okay.. I know I've not been blogging frequent... :'( Butterfactory A night to remember.. i'm so bored 2.37am, i've nothing to do but watch ... Stagearts Alumni Night 09' blood red lipstick. I fell in love with the deejay