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Posted on Sunday, March 28, 2010 @ 2:49 PM
with 0 Comments
BALI - 3rd Day (23rd March) 3rd day of Bali was definitely the most fun and tiring! Early in the morning at around 8.45am we were picked up by a bus at our Villa to start our Marine Walk adventure. Remember the last time I blogged about the Sea walker? I said I wanted to try that out if I could find the venue in Bali or the right number to call? WELL, I DID! YIPPEEEE :D . I'll 'story-tell' with the pictures so just scroll down below and don't forget to read what I'm typingg! :D Hahah.
After the bus ride we were dropped off at this beach where a boat was waiting to take us to another island to start our adventure! The whole journey was around 20-30 minutes and the boat was moving helluva fast. Tried taking pictures on my digital camera but my hair got all over my face and it was too windy that I had to squint my eye to open em, which was why I just decided to wear my sunglasses. Haha.
Look how blue the water is. My stupid camera strap totally ruined this picture. :p
The boat dropped us off at another boat(a bigger one) where all the snorkeling equipment were and also where the sea walker equipment was. I was the most excited for the Sea walker. If you're wondering what it's about, well, lemme tell you.. . YOU FREAKING GET TO BREATHE UNDERWATER WITH THIS LIKE SUPER COOL OXYGEN FILLED HELMET WHILE WALKING ON THE SEA BED, FEED THE FISHES UNDERWATER AND TOUCH THE FREAKING LIVE CORALS! COOL?!! YOU FREAKIN BET!! . I wish it was longer though, each of us only had like 15-20 minutes underwater. I tell you, it was sooo fuccckingggggg(sorry i have to swear, it's just AHHHH) beautiful underwater! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW COOL IT WAS TO BE ABLE TO WALK ON THE SEA BED SURROUNDED BY SO MANY COLOURFUL FISHES(and damn huge) AND TO LIKE WALK ON THE SEABED. I totally hate myself for forgetting to bring my underwater camera lah!!! Arghhhh, thank goodness the package included free underwater photo-taking, so I managed to bring back 1 photo to keep! I'll get it scanned and show you guys soon k(hopefully). I'll scan it if you guys really wanna see how it's like, so let me know if you want me to scan it otherwise i won't. x) I was wearing a bikini and i look retarded in the photo, nuff said. HAHA .
After the sea-walker, it was SNORKELING TIME! :D Snorkeling was pretty fun too! My first time ever snorkeling! The fishes were so pretty but there was this one fish that scared the hell outta me, it was so freaking close to me in the water la. It looked like a swordfish i swear. I was so freaking scared!! One thing about snorkeling and the sea walker is.. well if you've a phobia of fishes, don't bother feeding the fishes. HAHA, really. Know why? Each of us were given a bottle of fish food to feed the fishes. The moment you do, boy there's no turning back. Fishes of all sizes, big, small , medium whatever will come SWARMING to you, all around you. During the sea walker, there were so many of them fishies that I couldn't see ahead of me very clearly. Hahah.
Haha I think I was like the only one snorkeling after some time cos the rest just grew tired. I was the one shouting like, "Ehhhh, snorkle with me lahhh". :P
After snorkeling, we took a boat to another island called "Lembongan Island". A really kampung-like sorta place. There we had lunch (food was really nice, surprisingly). And we were given a choice of either Kayaking or Cycling. All of us decided to Cycle instead. Cycling around the village was pretty fun. We had a glimpse of what it was like there. I must say that I'm really thankful that I'm not living there, really. I know that sounds so evil, but really laaaaaa, do you know how filthy the place was? Like seriously...
Imagine living in one of those 'houses'. Already it's so hot, I don't even know if they actually have electrical fans inside. Doubt an air-conditioner exists either.
There were like pigs out in the open! o.o
Any idea what this is? I had no clue too, i actually thought it was like Noodles or something. Asked a local and turns out it's actually Seaweed.
After cycling around Lembongan Island, it was finally time to head back! :D What a tiring day!
Went back to our hotel to bathe and change to go out again! :) This time, head out for some good dinner! It was good food every day in Bali! :) If there's anything that I miss bout Bali, it's definitely the Seafood! Oh and I miss the cheap foot massages. Haha.
Baby's favourite photo of us! :)
Kay I'm officially psychotic.HAHA.
Oh yeah before dinner, we all did somemore shopping. I felt like I shopped more for other people than for myself. Hahah. Think Baby feels the same way too. We were so preoccupied with thoughts of what to get for each other's family. Whenever i found a gift, it was always too expensive. Sorry to those I didn't manage to get any gift for. Money was really tight in Bali. A lot of money was pretty much spent on food than on gifts and clothes or whatever.
Ili,Bert and Baby had seafood again. The seafood is good but too much seafood just makes me so sick. Was craving for western that night so ended up eating a Spaghetti Bolognaise. My favourite. :)
After dinner, everyone met up in my room to watch another movie. This time we had the company of Macdonalds. Hahah! We even went all out to find the number for Mcdelivery in Bali. That's how Macdonalds crazy we were! When I had a bite of that yummy Cheeseburger, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. Nothing but me and my burger. My cheesy cheeseburger. HAHAHA, kay psycho alert. But really la, it tasted so good. Maybe cos I've restricted myself from eating Fastfood for too long. :/
Us looking all unglam in our nighties. :P Especially me. Oh em gee, look how dorky I look with my black framed glasses. You'd mistake me for a nerd or something. Hahah.
Oh and to end off this post, here's a little treat for you guys. Guess what I found in my room.
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Hahahah like the treat? K la, sorry if I grossed or freaked any of you out! HAHA. a thousand apologies.
Anyway guys, tomorrow I have a photoshoot with Kak Diah and Kak Nurul for Studiofrost at 8am! 8 FREAKING AM! OMG. HAHA, not that i'm complaining or anything la.... heh, anyway i'm looking forward to it because photoshoots are always fun, and i'm wondering who'll be doing my makeup this time round..
Posted on Sunday, March 28, 2010 @ 2:49 PM
with 0 notes
BALI - 3rd Day (23rd March) 3rd day of Bali was definitely the most fun and tiring! Early in the morning at around 8.45am we were picked up by a bus at our Villa to start our Marine Walk adventure. Remember the last time I blogged about the Sea walker? I said I wanted to try that out if I could find the venue in Bali or the right number to call? WELL, I DID! YIPPEEEE :D . I'll 'story-tell' with the pictures so just scroll down below and don't forget to read what I'm typingg! :D Hahah.
After the bus ride we were dropped off at this beach where a boat was waiting to take us to another island to start our adventure! The whole journey was around 20-30 minutes and the boat was moving helluva fast. Tried taking pictures on my digital camera but my hair got all over my face and it was too windy that I had to squint my eye to open em, which was why I just decided to wear my sunglasses. Haha.
Look how blue the water is. My stupid camera strap totally ruined this picture. :p
The boat dropped us off at another boat(a bigger one) where all the snorkeling equipment were and also where the sea walker equipment was. I was the most excited for the Sea walker. If you're wondering what it's about, well, lemme tell you.. . YOU FREAKING GET TO BREATHE UNDERWATER WITH THIS LIKE SUPER COOL OXYGEN FILLED HELMET WHILE WALKING ON THE SEA BED, FEED THE FISHES UNDERWATER AND TOUCH THE FREAKING LIVE CORALS! COOL?!! YOU FREAKIN BET!! . I wish it was longer though, each of us only had like 15-20 minutes underwater. I tell you, it was sooo fuccckingggggg(sorry i have to swear, it's just AHHHH) beautiful underwater! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW COOL IT WAS TO BE ABLE TO WALK ON THE SEA BED SURROUNDED BY SO MANY COLOURFUL FISHES(and damn huge) AND TO LIKE WALK ON THE SEABED. I totally hate myself for forgetting to bring my underwater camera lah!!! Arghhhh, thank goodness the package included free underwater photo-taking, so I managed to bring back 1 photo to keep! I'll get it scanned and show you guys soon k(hopefully). I'll scan it if you guys really wanna see how it's like, so let me know if you want me to scan it otherwise i won't. x) I was wearing a bikini and i look retarded in the photo, nuff said. HAHA .
After the sea-walker, it was SNORKELING TIME! :D Snorkeling was pretty fun too! My first time ever snorkeling! The fishes were so pretty but there was this one fish that scared the hell outta me, it was so freaking close to me in the water la. It looked like a swordfish i swear. I was so freaking scared!! One thing about snorkeling and the sea walker is.. well if you've a phobia of fishes, don't bother feeding the fishes. HAHA, really. Know why? Each of us were given a bottle of fish food to feed the fishes. The moment you do, boy there's no turning back. Fishes of all sizes, big, small , medium whatever will come SWARMING to you, all around you. During the sea walker, there were so many of them fishies that I couldn't see ahead of me very clearly. Hahah.
Haha I think I was like the only one snorkeling after some time cos the rest just grew tired. I was the one shouting like, "Ehhhh, snorkle with me lahhh". :P
After snorkeling, we took a boat to another island called "Lembongan Island". A really kampung-like sorta place. There we had lunch (food was really nice, surprisingly). And we were given a choice of either Kayaking or Cycling. All of us decided to Cycle instead. Cycling around the village was pretty fun. We had a glimpse of what it was like there. I must say that I'm really thankful that I'm not living there, really. I know that sounds so evil, but really laaaaaa, do you know how filthy the place was? Like seriously...
Imagine living in one of those 'houses'. Already it's so hot, I don't even know if they actually have electrical fans inside. Doubt an air-conditioner exists either.
There were like pigs out in the open! o.o
Any idea what this is? I had no clue too, i actually thought it was like Noodles or something. Asked a local and turns out it's actually Seaweed.
After cycling around Lembongan Island, it was finally time to head back! :D What a tiring day!
Went back to our hotel to bathe and change to go out again! :) This time, head out for some good dinner! It was good food every day in Bali! :) If there's anything that I miss bout Bali, it's definitely the Seafood! Oh and I miss the cheap foot massages. Haha.
Baby's favourite photo of us! :)
Kay I'm officially psychotic.HAHA.
Oh yeah before dinner, we all did somemore shopping. I felt like I shopped more for other people than for myself. Hahah. Think Baby feels the same way too. We were so preoccupied with thoughts of what to get for each other's family. Whenever i found a gift, it was always too expensive. Sorry to those I didn't manage to get any gift for. Money was really tight in Bali. A lot of money was pretty much spent on food than on gifts and clothes or whatever.
Ili,Bert and Baby had seafood again. The seafood is good but too much seafood just makes me so sick. Was craving for western that night so ended up eating a Spaghetti Bolognaise. My favourite. :)
After dinner, everyone met up in my room to watch another movie. This time we had the company of Macdonalds. Hahah! We even went all out to find the number for Mcdelivery in Bali. That's how Macdonalds crazy we were! When I had a bite of that yummy Cheeseburger, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. Nothing but me and my burger. My cheesy cheeseburger. HAHAHA, kay psycho alert. But really la, it tasted so good. Maybe cos I've restricted myself from eating Fastfood for too long. :/
Us looking all unglam in our nighties. :P Especially me. Oh em gee, look how dorky I look with my black framed glasses. You'd mistake me for a nerd or something. Hahah.
Oh and to end off this post, here's a little treat for you guys. Guess what I found in my room.
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Hahahah like the treat? K la, sorry if I grossed or freaked any of you out! HAHA. a thousand apologies.
Anyway guys, tomorrow I have a photoshoot with Kak Diah and Kak Nurul for Studiofrost at 8am! 8 FREAKING AM! OMG. HAHA, not that i'm complaining or anything la.... heh, anyway i'm looking forward to it because photoshoots are always fun, and i'm wondering who'll be doing my makeup this time round..
Check out this space for Beauty tips: Skin,hair,makeup etc!
::Skincare VLOG::
Hi guys! So as promised I've decided to finally share with you guys my skincare products that I use! I've mentioned all the products plus additional tips about Skincare in my video log so click play on either one of the videos below to play.
You can choose to load the video via "Vimeo" which is way clearer in terms of picture quality or "Youtube". Your choice! Either way, the video's finally done so I hope you'll find it useful!
Vimeo Video
Youtube Video
Products mentioned in the Video
1) Eucerin White Solution Gentle Cleansing Foam 2) Biore Facial Foam Glowing Bright 3) Clarins Herbes Des Alpes Cleansing Milk 4) Loreal Paris Gentle Lip & Eye Makeup Remover 5) Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream 6) Etude House Facial Mask in Pomegranate
Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
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Contest Status: CLOSED!
Roxy Singapore has generously sponsored 4 Roxy Goodie bags(worth up $59 each) for me to GIVEAWAY to my Blog Readers!! :D COOL OR NOT? It's really easy!
I just want to know.......
"Why do You think You're the next Roxy Girl!"
What do I need to do to participate?
Just fill in the form below with your details(including your mailing address). This is important because this will be the address that I'll mail the prizes to if you do end up winning. Every empty field in the form is compulsory, so do fill in every empty field. Please also give me a valid email address so that I can contact you, should you win. :)
As for the Contest/Giveaway answer, type in your answer there(duh!)
How does this contest go about?
All you have to do is tell me why you think you're the next roxy girl! Is it because you're daring? You're fun? What is it that makes you stand out from the rest? The best 4 answers will win Roxy Goodie bags worth $59 each!
Who can participate?
Anybody and everybody! As long as you're a Singaporean citizen residing in Singapore.I'm sorry but this contest is closed to anyone not in Singapore. :(
Closing Date of contest:
.................................................... Submit all entries by:
26th March 2012, Monday!
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Sofia Dendroff
I'm just an ordinary girl
living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that
The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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♥ Modelling ♥ Animals♥
I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race
in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:
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