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I had a fun day today. :) |
Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 2:24 PM with 0 Comments

Edwin, your bear is still safe with me. :D Hahah
She's having spasms.

Sharifah taught me the ahlian 'WHATEVER' sign. Hahah. i learnt pretty quick.

I don't know what's this supposed to be but i kinda like it. :S


Don't mind me, but I just love sideviews.

Okay, today was pretty alright. Met up with Sharifah N. and she followed me to Nanyang Polytechnic to submit my DAE to the school. Just trying my luck. I'm pretty happy that my JAE appeal got through and I got into a much better course than the one MOE gave me.
Oh yeah, when we were at NYP, this guy came up to Sharifah and I and asked for my number. THANK GOD SHARIFAH HELPED ME SAY I WAS ATTACHED(although i'm not). Hahah, i usually always blank out when situations like these happen. :S
After NYP, we went to AMK Hub, to eat THAI FOOD, Sharifah had Tom yam and I had Green curry noodles. yumyum.
After that, we went to this shop that sold loads of nice dresses. We shared the same dressing room, and starting trying on the clothes. hahahah
i fell in love with this really chic bohemian kinda dress and i bought it. It costed me a costly $59, but I guess i'm pretty happy with my buy. :) The material is awesome.
So after that, sha went home and I headed to Parkway to meet William and Pierrson. On my way there in the bus, this dude tapped my back in the bus and asked me if he could borrow my handphone to call his friend. It seemed really urgent , so i just said okay.
After a few hours, some strange number smsed me and it was the guy who borrowed my phone. When i checked the dialled numbers, turns out he actually called his handphone. What a way of trying to get my number? :p
Anyway, i missed Pierrson a lot, so i was really happy to see him today. William tooo, but then, I didn't really talk that much to him. :P ah whatever.
so they all went to play pool, and same old thing happened, i watched. Haha.
after pool, me and pierrson went home. Gee, i miss my bestfriend alr. i miss you pierrson. we need to meet every week, and i want to meet CORY soon. :) Hahah.
Okie, end of post. :)
To the lame taggers: Please do not flame my tagboard with nasty comments. It's lame. And i've no need to prove to you if i'm eurasian or not. It's just a race, why are you making sucha big fuss out of it? If you think i'm malay, then you can have that thought all you want, because there's no denying in me that I am mixed malay. But then again, i've a mix of many others as well. You don't know me, so don't judge me. Thanks.retards.

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    Boring day Update Gymming on Fridays. ;) VALENTINE'S DAY :D Tribute to my Grandma. you leave me breathless, the way you look at me. ;) :P Monday and Tuesday(BIRTHDAY) :D forever young