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nothing but the stars and the sound of the waves... sheer bliss.. |
Posted on Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 10:37 PM with 0 Comments

Tonight was absolutely lovely. I just got home and it's already the next morning; 6.37am.
Met up with Chris today and gave Mel a surprise at the airport since she was leaving for Japan! Elizabeth and her boyfriend were there too! It was fun in the airport playing with the trolleys and stuff. Haha, after sending Mel off, Chris and I met up with Rikhil at Tanah Merah MRT and we bussed to East Coast where we met up with Nikkie.
Annaan met us soon after. It was just a night of pure fun and lepaking. It felt good to be able to stay out late for once. :)

Rikhil and Chris left at around 3am plus, while Nikkie , Annaan and I stayed on till 6am.
We walked a lot today, but walking alone was honestly damn fun because we just kept talking. Bout life. Bout our past relationships, and whatnot. I loved and enjoyed every moment of it.
The sky was beautiful today. It was the first time I'e ever seen so many stars in Singapore.
It was so beautiful that Nikkie and Annaan laid down on the floor in the Jetty. I didn't because I didn't wanna get dirtied. HAHA, okay i'm such a girl. but yeah whatever. HAHA, i had white shorts on la kay, so I sat on Annaan's slippers. Heh. We went over the fence and sat on the platform near the sea.

As it was really dark, we didn't really know what we were lying or sitting on. Needless to say, I already suspected all along that the floor would probably be filled with dead fishes or something, because it's the freaking Jetty. People always fish there. Haha, Annaan felt something really disgusting on the floor. Shone the light from his handphone only to see it was a fucking dead prawn's head and it was smothered in blood. Annaan's head was near that thing. We looked around only to realize that there were more dead prawns around. Annaan was sitting on the dismantled prawn's 'body'. HAHA, it was sooo gross la.
We found another spot soon after and we all just laid down on the floor. I wish I was still there.
So, this is how it's like huh... The night life. ..Never knew I was missing out on so much in life...
Talked to my parents about letting me stay out as late as this once in awhile, and they said they'll think about it. Hahaha. Sad case sia. If only I had more freedom! It'd be so awesome.

I'm gonna take a shower now, I feel so sticky and disgusting. Haha, will be meeting Sondra later to study. Oh man, I just feel like sleeping the whole day.
Bye Blog.

Lots of love, Sofia. xoxo

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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    that's what friends are for; weird encounter with a stranger in bus 76. Dick Lee is really sucha Dick. Deja vu. Awesome Monday! (: joke of the year. get over yourself mofo. tonight will be the night that I will fall for you... Carry me home. birthday girl! Zirca.