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Too cool for school(: |
Posted on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 @ 2:41 PM with 0 Comments

Camwhore moments with Poly Clique members using Daryle's Macbook! Ahahha. I bet his laptop is now flooded with more pictures of us girls than his own. SORRY DARYLE. HAHA

I LOVE MY NEW SNEAKERS! :D What do you think? NICE? HAHAH.

Okay, a failed jump shot attempt. HAHA.

And the 'Photographer' for all the shots above. HAHAH. FALILA! <3>
THANKS AH BABE. We were damn high in the toilet. Like Falila and I stayed in the toilet for about 20 - 30 minutes taking pictures. HAHA.
The things girls do.... sometimes even i'm left dumbfounded.

Alrightey, so I've finally some pictures up! Hahah,really lame and retarded pictures.I honestly wonder why sometimes people visit my blog.
My life's boring(kay not really, but school is!) and the pictures I post most of the time are so camwhore-ish. Doesn't it just make you wanna punch me sometimes? How self obsessed I am with myself? Maybe that's why I've hate taggers.. People who secretly hate me but dare not reveal their true identity.
Well, too bad. you can't punch me even if you wanted to. HAHA.
And even if you did hate me, i wanna thank you anyway for adding some 'life' to my tagboard, really. I honestly LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! (go fuck yourselves)
OMG, I really need money so badly. I need to go present hunting. Loads and loads of present hunting. On top of that, I still owe people birthday presents. I feel like the lousiest bff ever, I've yet to get Melissa her super belated birthday present!!! I'm gonna feel damn guilty if she buys me a present for my birthday(which is coming up soon) before I even get her one.
Tomorrow is my Macroeconomics paper! I didn't study that hard. Urgh, do you know how frustrating it is to be addicted to the internet? Everytime I try to study at home, I fail to do so cos of my stupid laptop.
It's like a little living thing on it's own who calls out my name each time I'm away from it y'know.
Laptop: Sofia..... sofia.... come play with me sofia....
Sofia: FUCK YOU!!
Funny thing is, no matter what I do at home, lock myself in another room, distract myself with snacks, music or whatever, I always.. and I mean always somehow find my way back to this son of a gun 'living thing' called the fucking laptop.
I need a restraining order against the computer if I'm ever hoping to do well!
Why can't I just be more focused? Or be super smart like Kensiew? Ahahah. Kay. shutup sofia.
I'll blog soon! <3
Lots of Love,
Sofia. xoxo

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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