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Posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 6:40 AM
with 0 Comments
BACK TO SCHOOL ...................................................................
Yesterday I went back to school for a briefing, boy do I not miss school! I dread waking up for school so early in the morning, and I dread having to sit through morning lectures and boring tutorials. I had a briefing, somewhat an orientation for Year 2 students in school yesterday and I'm soooo happy to say that school only resumes next week for those who are beginning their attachment in the next few weeks! Woohoo, that totally made my day. Haha. Planned to fetch Baby in school then head out to spend the rest of the day together when I suddenly received an urgent Studiofrost Phone Call. The President was on the phone(Pakcik) informing me of a Photoshoot at 3pm! Dangalanglang. So I met Baby at Tampines Mall instead and we had lunch at Maccy D's. I had my usual Fillet-O-Fish Meal and man did that burger taste so heavenly.
I'm always restraining myself from eating Macdonalds you see ever since I watched this documentary called "Supersize Me". That documentary totally freaked me out. It's an experiment that was carried to find out how fattening really, is the food of Macdonalds. A guy who looked totally fit in the beginning of the documentary wound up being so fat in the end. Why you may ask? Ask Ronald Macdonald. :)
He went on a 30 day Macdonald Diet, he ate nothing but Macs. Think about it, if I went on a 30 day diet eating nothing but fruits and vegetables, I think I'd end up half my size. This poor dude ended up being obese. I'd never do this to my own body, never ever, especially since I'm always so cautious about what I eat, but I've let loose a little, and now I occasionally allow myself to enjoy the taste of junk food and fast food once in a while. :) But then again guys, if you're the sort who can't live without fast food, you're so addicted to it that you MUST eat it at least once every day, think about what you're doing to your body. You may have a high metabolism rate, but that does not protect you against all those diseases that could occur from the result of eating too much Fatty food. Think coronary heart disease, obesity, stroke, endless health possibilities. Hahah kay, I shall stop talking about Macs already! . Anyway, after lunch, Baby and I headed over to Kak Nurul's place for the photoshoot! :) Photoshoot was fun, as always! I love it when Kak Diah tries out different makeup and hairstyles on me. Next time, we'll be using WIGS! AHAH, wouldn't that be fun? Anyway as always, the clothes are really nice! :D And I shall just talk a wee bit about each of the clothing below! :D . STUDIOFROST NEW ARRIVALS .........................................................................
Do you remember in the last collection, or rather last 2 collections, there was a similar piece like this, except it was black? Now it comes in 2 different colours, Grey and Red! I did tell you guys how crazily in love I was with this top right? HAHA, you might think I'm mad, but I actually got these 2 colours for myself. Now I've a family of these tops that come in Red,Grey and Black! Wheeeee!~
I LOVE THE SLEEVES! This piece is so freaking gorgeous, I wanted to get one for myself too, but then I figured that I don't wanna look too mature in my dressing, not just yet. I still wanna dress youthfully, but let's say if I were already in my 20's or 30's, this is DEFINITELY a piece I will buy and wear to work or when I hang out with friends. Love the fact that the sleeves makes the top look so 'bat-like'.
WOW!~ I love the fact that the colours are so vibrant,pretty and bright! It's such a stunning piece and an eye catching one at that, that people are bound to notice you if you wear this out. I love the fact that the dress makes my body look shapely as well! Pair it with nice earrings like the one I wore above and nice heels or pumps and you're all set to go!
YAY! Yet again another romper! This romper's really pretty. I love the fact that it's floral printed and in blue! Let your hair down when you wear this, and pair it with a nice set of earrings that matches the romper, a pair of pretty sandals or heels and you'll definitely look STUNNING! . A note: Don't accessorize too much, because the romper is already highly floral printed(and attracts a lot of attention already). If you decide to wear big eye catching earrings, I always prefer to not wear any necklaces. If you wanna wear a nice long necklace, then pair it with simple earrings or none at all! :)
This dress is so elegant looking isn't it? I think it's really sexy how the sleeves are actually slightly sheer and see through, it makes the dress look so much more classy. It can be worn as a top or as a dress. Whatever you choose, really! :D
I LOVE THIS DRESS TO THE CORE! It's so pretty right?? *drools* AHAH, I don't think you can see it very well in this picture but the part of the dress where the neck is, there is actually a ribbon where you can tie it any way you want. Tie it as a necktie, a ribbon, whatever your preference! :D It does not come with the belt, but doesn't it look pretty with it? If you've a belt somewhat similar to this, then all the more you should NOT miss your chance of getting this really pretty dress! :D
Somewhat similar to the dress in the previous collection, this dress now comes with SLEEVES! :) Truth be told, I've always preferred dresses with sleeves, short sleeves or 3-quarter sleeves! This dress is so pretty that I'm actually intending on purchasing either one of these colours to add on to my massive amount of dresses in my wardrobe. I think I need to have a sale of some of my clothes soon. I've too many, and most of them I hardly ever use anymore, some I've never even used. I'm guilty of being called an Impulse Buyer. ):
This top is so pretty luh! So pretty that Kak Diah couldn't resist keeping one for herself too! I love the colour and the prints of the top. Unique isn't it? It looks somewhat vintage-y to me, what say you? :D
Anyway I hope I've made shopping decisions for some of you guys who actually intend to purchase at SF easier! :D If I just made you even more confused, since now you think EVERYTHING IS NICE, then easy.. JUST BUY ALL. HAHAHA ok i'm kidding, but just go with what your heart tells you. If you find that piece of clothing nice, don't delay, just buy it, really. Because one it's sold out, who knows when the item will ever be restocked again! :) . HAPPY SHOPPING!! . ....................................................................
Ok now back to what I was saying earlier, after the photoshoot, I headed back to Baby's place since he wanted to change. We then headed out to Tampines Mall to catch a movie " How To Train Your Dragon" It was worth every penny paid for because the movie was sooo KICKASS!
. My boyfriend who is not really a fan of Cartoon Movies also enjoyed the show cos I could see from the corner of my eyes(like lunatic sia), that he was smiling and laughing during the movie! I was glad that he was , cos technically it was my idea to watch a movie and I somewhat dragged him to accompany me. hehe! :B And I am now officially a fan of'TOOTHLESS' THE NIGHT FURY DRAGON!' AHAHAH. SO FREAKING CUTE! There were certain parts of the movie when I was like talking to myself saying, "OMG! TOOOTHHHLESSSS!!". HAHAHA, cos the ass people were holding him captive. So poor thing la. Anyway i shall stop sounding mentally unsound. . SEE I TOLD YOU TOOTHLESS IS CUTE! . If you've not watched it! Go catch it! I caught the movie in 3-D, and it made the whole movie experience so much more exciting! :D After the movie, headed back to Baby's house again and had dinner there! Yummy Pasta that his Mum made! :D After dinner, headed back home since Baby had school the next day! Yup, good good day. :) Alrightey, I wanna go catch a movie now at home. Oh em gee, I feel like such a couch potato at home. :P . . Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
Posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 6:40 AM
with 0 notes
BACK TO SCHOOL ...................................................................
Yesterday I went back to school for a briefing, boy do I not miss school! I dread waking up for school so early in the morning, and I dread having to sit through morning lectures and boring tutorials. I had a briefing, somewhat an orientation for Year 2 students in school yesterday and I'm soooo happy to say that school only resumes next week for those who are beginning their attachment in the next few weeks! Woohoo, that totally made my day. Haha. Planned to fetch Baby in school then head out to spend the rest of the day together when I suddenly received an urgent Studiofrost Phone Call. The President was on the phone(Pakcik) informing me of a Photoshoot at 3pm! Dangalanglang. So I met Baby at Tampines Mall instead and we had lunch at Maccy D's. I had my usual Fillet-O-Fish Meal and man did that burger taste so heavenly.
I'm always restraining myself from eating Macdonalds you see ever since I watched this documentary called "Supersize Me". That documentary totally freaked me out. It's an experiment that was carried to find out how fattening really, is the food of Macdonalds. A guy who looked totally fit in the beginning of the documentary wound up being so fat in the end. Why you may ask? Ask Ronald Macdonald. :)
He went on a 30 day Macdonald Diet, he ate nothing but Macs. Think about it, if I went on a 30 day diet eating nothing but fruits and vegetables, I think I'd end up half my size. This poor dude ended up being obese. I'd never do this to my own body, never ever, especially since I'm always so cautious about what I eat, but I've let loose a little, and now I occasionally allow myself to enjoy the taste of junk food and fast food once in a while. :) But then again guys, if you're the sort who can't live without fast food, you're so addicted to it that you MUST eat it at least once every day, think about what you're doing to your body. You may have a high metabolism rate, but that does not protect you against all those diseases that could occur from the result of eating too much Fatty food. Think coronary heart disease, obesity, stroke, endless health possibilities. Hahah kay, I shall stop talking about Macs already! . Anyway, after lunch, Baby and I headed over to Kak Nurul's place for the photoshoot! :) Photoshoot was fun, as always! I love it when Kak Diah tries out different makeup and hairstyles on me. Next time, we'll be using WIGS! AHAH, wouldn't that be fun? Anyway as always, the clothes are really nice! :D And I shall just talk a wee bit about each of the clothing below! :D . STUDIOFROST NEW ARRIVALS .........................................................................
Do you remember in the last collection, or rather last 2 collections, there was a similar piece like this, except it was black? Now it comes in 2 different colours, Grey and Red! I did tell you guys how crazily in love I was with this top right? HAHA, you might think I'm mad, but I actually got these 2 colours for myself. Now I've a family of these tops that come in Red,Grey and Black! Wheeeee!~
I LOVE THE SLEEVES! This piece is so freaking gorgeous, I wanted to get one for myself too, but then I figured that I don't wanna look too mature in my dressing, not just yet. I still wanna dress youthfully, but let's say if I were already in my 20's or 30's, this is DEFINITELY a piece I will buy and wear to work or when I hang out with friends. Love the fact that the sleeves makes the top look so 'bat-like'.
WOW!~ I love the fact that the colours are so vibrant,pretty and bright! It's such a stunning piece and an eye catching one at that, that people are bound to notice you if you wear this out. I love the fact that the dress makes my body look shapely as well! Pair it with nice earrings like the one I wore above and nice heels or pumps and you're all set to go!
YAY! Yet again another romper! This romper's really pretty. I love the fact that it's floral printed and in blue! Let your hair down when you wear this, and pair it with a nice set of earrings that matches the romper, a pair of pretty sandals or heels and you'll definitely look STUNNING! . A note: Don't accessorize too much, because the romper is already highly floral printed(and attracts a lot of attention already). If you decide to wear big eye catching earrings, I always prefer to not wear any necklaces. If you wanna wear a nice long necklace, then pair it with simple earrings or none at all! :)
This dress is so elegant looking isn't it? I think it's really sexy how the sleeves are actually slightly sheer and see through, it makes the dress look so much more classy. It can be worn as a top or as a dress. Whatever you choose, really! :D
I LOVE THIS DRESS TO THE CORE! It's so pretty right?? *drools* AHAH, I don't think you can see it very well in this picture but the part of the dress where the neck is, there is actually a ribbon where you can tie it any way you want. Tie it as a necktie, a ribbon, whatever your preference! :D It does not come with the belt, but doesn't it look pretty with it? If you've a belt somewhat similar to this, then all the more you should NOT miss your chance of getting this really pretty dress! :D
Somewhat similar to the dress in the previous collection, this dress now comes with SLEEVES! :) Truth be told, I've always preferred dresses with sleeves, short sleeves or 3-quarter sleeves! This dress is so pretty that I'm actually intending on purchasing either one of these colours to add on to my massive amount of dresses in my wardrobe. I think I need to have a sale of some of my clothes soon. I've too many, and most of them I hardly ever use anymore, some I've never even used. I'm guilty of being called an Impulse Buyer. ):
This top is so pretty luh! So pretty that Kak Diah couldn't resist keeping one for herself too! I love the colour and the prints of the top. Unique isn't it? It looks somewhat vintage-y to me, what say you? :D
Anyway I hope I've made shopping decisions for some of you guys who actually intend to purchase at SF easier! :D If I just made you even more confused, since now you think EVERYTHING IS NICE, then easy.. JUST BUY ALL. HAHAHA ok i'm kidding, but just go with what your heart tells you. If you find that piece of clothing nice, don't delay, just buy it, really. Because one it's sold out, who knows when the item will ever be restocked again! :) . HAPPY SHOPPING!! . ....................................................................
Ok now back to what I was saying earlier, after the photoshoot, I headed back to Baby's place since he wanted to change. We then headed out to Tampines Mall to catch a movie " How To Train Your Dragon" It was worth every penny paid for because the movie was sooo KICKASS!
. My boyfriend who is not really a fan of Cartoon Movies also enjoyed the show cos I could see from the corner of my eyes(like lunatic sia), that he was smiling and laughing during the movie! I was glad that he was , cos technically it was my idea to watch a movie and I somewhat dragged him to accompany me. hehe! :B And I am now officially a fan of'TOOTHLESS' THE NIGHT FURY DRAGON!' AHAHAH. SO FREAKING CUTE! There were certain parts of the movie when I was like talking to myself saying, "OMG! TOOOTHHHLESSSS!!". HAHAHA, cos the ass people were holding him captive. So poor thing la. Anyway i shall stop sounding mentally unsound. . SEE I TOLD YOU TOOTHLESS IS CUTE! . If you've not watched it! Go catch it! I caught the movie in 3-D, and it made the whole movie experience so much more exciting! :D After the movie, headed back to Baby's house again and had dinner there! Yummy Pasta that his Mum made! :D After dinner, headed back home since Baby had school the next day! Yup, good good day. :) Alrightey, I wanna go catch a movie now at home. Oh em gee, I feel like such a couch potato at home. :P . . Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
Check out this space for Beauty tips: Skin,hair,makeup etc!
::Skincare VLOG::
Hi guys! So as promised I've decided to finally share with you guys my skincare products that I use! I've mentioned all the products plus additional tips about Skincare in my video log so click play on either one of the videos below to play.
You can choose to load the video via "Vimeo" which is way clearer in terms of picture quality or "Youtube". Your choice! Either way, the video's finally done so I hope you'll find it useful!
Vimeo Video
Youtube Video
Products mentioned in the Video
1) Eucerin White Solution Gentle Cleansing Foam 2) Biore Facial Foam Glowing Bright 3) Clarins Herbes Des Alpes Cleansing Milk 4) Loreal Paris Gentle Lip & Eye Makeup Remover 5) Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream 6) Etude House Facial Mask in Pomegranate
Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
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Contest Status: CLOSED!
Roxy Singapore has generously sponsored 4 Roxy Goodie bags(worth up $59 each) for me to GIVEAWAY to my Blog Readers!! :D COOL OR NOT? It's really easy!
I just want to know.......
"Why do You think You're the next Roxy Girl!"
What do I need to do to participate?
Just fill in the form below with your details(including your mailing address). This is important because this will be the address that I'll mail the prizes to if you do end up winning. Every empty field in the form is compulsory, so do fill in every empty field. Please also give me a valid email address so that I can contact you, should you win. :)
As for the Contest/Giveaway answer, type in your answer there(duh!)
How does this contest go about?
All you have to do is tell me why you think you're the next roxy girl! Is it because you're daring? You're fun? What is it that makes you stand out from the rest? The best 4 answers will win Roxy Goodie bags worth $59 each!
Who can participate?
Anybody and everybody! As long as you're a Singaporean citizen residing in Singapore.I'm sorry but this contest is closed to anyone not in Singapore. :(
Closing Date of contest:
.................................................... Submit all entries by:
26th March 2012, Monday!
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Sofia Dendroff
I'm just an ordinary girl
living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that
The best things in life can't be bought with money.
♥ Friends ♥ Family ♥ GOD
♥ Modelling ♥ Animals♥
I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race
in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:
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