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Posted on Friday, April 16, 2010 @ 3:03 AM
with 0 Comments
Studiofrost New Arrivals .................................................................. . For the latest collection of Studiofrost, you should notice a change in me. A change in hairstyle for the matter. To those I tricked in Twitter(who believed i really cut my hair), YOU GOT PUNK'D. HAHA, it was just a piece of extension that we found in Kak Nurul's room and decided to try on for fun. Who'd have thought that we would try out a shoot with me having Bangs! But I kinda like it actually, don't you? In fact, I'm actually thinking of purchasing an extension just like Kak Nurul's instead of cutting my hair(can't bear to!!) So whenever I feel like going out with a shorter fringe, I can just wear my clip-ons! They look like real hair anyway!
I'm also contemplating whether or not to dye my hair somewhat like the colour of the extension(fringe), but maybe a shade darker or maybee the same colour? I don't know, I've never really been bold with the colours I use to dye my hair, frankly cos I love my hair too much and I'll honestly cry if anything went wrong with it. Sure I can always dye it back if I don't like the colour, but the amount of money I pay, the time wasted sitting in the salon chair and the amount of damage I did to my scalp just dying my hair is not worth it. So i'd like to know some of your opinions, if you've any to share. Do you think i should try out this new colour? Do let me know via formspring,facebook,twitter, up to you really! :D Anyway here's the latest collection! I apologize for the 2 different colours of my hair. haha x)
This dress really is pretty! It can worn like the picture above or as an off shoulder sorta dress! It's really cute and pretty if you know how to accessorize correctly with this dress by matching it with the right shoes, earrings, necklaces etc!
Love the formality of this top! The material is really airy cos it doesn't feel hot when you put it on even though it's Black. I think it's pretty ideal for going out and for work!
I've always been a fan of Off shoulder dresses or tops even though i don't have many. This is one such top I would definitely invest in. I think it looks great with shorts or jeans! And who can resist such a gorgeous colour? Pinkish Purple!
I love the fact that this dress compliments my figure! If you've always stuck to baggy, frumpy looking kinda dresses, maybe for once you should try flaunting a bit of your figure by getting this dress! I got one for myself too!
This dress is really pretty! So pretty that I had to get my hands on one! I think by now if you're an avid reader of my blog, you might probably already know what I like to wear the most! And that is, dresses! I love the fact that I can just slip it on and tadah! I'm done, don't have to worry about what bottoms to match it with!
This tanktop that comes with this gorgeous stripe top already screams. "COOL!". Nothing else said. It comes with the tanktop sorta dress inside, so you get 2 items for the price of 1! :) A steal!!
Gorgeous gorgeous romper! Sucha classic piece! Love the fact that you can fold the sleeves and actually button the pants to make it look 3-quarters. There's a button at the side of the pants(if you can see it, those 2 small things at the side).
The first thing Kak Diah and Kak Nurul said when they saw me in dress was "WAHHHH!!! SO NICE ON YOU!". I couldn't agree more. HAHAHA, k anyway, the dress is very fitting I must say, I'm pretty sure that whoever who buys this dress will find it a really lovely piece. The material is cooling and stretchable, if I knew what the material was called I'd tell you, but I don't know the exact name for it(maybe you can checkout the Studiofrost website). All I know is that, this dress really compliments my figure well, and probably would for yours too if you get one of these! :) . HAPPY SHOPPING! . Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
Posted on Friday, April 16, 2010 @ 3:03 AM
with 0 notes
Studiofrost New Arrivals .................................................................. . For the latest collection of Studiofrost, you should notice a change in me. A change in hairstyle for the matter. To those I tricked in Twitter(who believed i really cut my hair), YOU GOT PUNK'D. HAHA, it was just a piece of extension that we found in Kak Nurul's room and decided to try on for fun. Who'd have thought that we would try out a shoot with me having Bangs! But I kinda like it actually, don't you? In fact, I'm actually thinking of purchasing an extension just like Kak Nurul's instead of cutting my hair(can't bear to!!) So whenever I feel like going out with a shorter fringe, I can just wear my clip-ons! They look like real hair anyway!
I'm also contemplating whether or not to dye my hair somewhat like the colour of the extension(fringe), but maybe a shade darker or maybee the same colour? I don't know, I've never really been bold with the colours I use to dye my hair, frankly cos I love my hair too much and I'll honestly cry if anything went wrong with it. Sure I can always dye it back if I don't like the colour, but the amount of money I pay, the time wasted sitting in the salon chair and the amount of damage I did to my scalp just dying my hair is not worth it. So i'd like to know some of your opinions, if you've any to share. Do you think i should try out this new colour? Do let me know via formspring,facebook,twitter, up to you really! :D Anyway here's the latest collection! I apologize for the 2 different colours of my hair. haha x)
This dress really is pretty! It can worn like the picture above or as an off shoulder sorta dress! It's really cute and pretty if you know how to accessorize correctly with this dress by matching it with the right shoes, earrings, necklaces etc!
Love the formality of this top! The material is really airy cos it doesn't feel hot when you put it on even though it's Black. I think it's pretty ideal for going out and for work!
I've always been a fan of Off shoulder dresses or tops even though i don't have many. This is one such top I would definitely invest in. I think it looks great with shorts or jeans! And who can resist such a gorgeous colour? Pinkish Purple!
I love the fact that this dress compliments my figure! If you've always stuck to baggy, frumpy looking kinda dresses, maybe for once you should try flaunting a bit of your figure by getting this dress! I got one for myself too!
This dress is really pretty! So pretty that I had to get my hands on one! I think by now if you're an avid reader of my blog, you might probably already know what I like to wear the most! And that is, dresses! I love the fact that I can just slip it on and tadah! I'm done, don't have to worry about what bottoms to match it with!
This tanktop that comes with this gorgeous stripe top already screams. "COOL!". Nothing else said. It comes with the tanktop sorta dress inside, so you get 2 items for the price of 1! :) A steal!!
Gorgeous gorgeous romper! Sucha classic piece! Love the fact that you can fold the sleeves and actually button the pants to make it look 3-quarters. There's a button at the side of the pants(if you can see it, those 2 small things at the side).
The first thing Kak Diah and Kak Nurul said when they saw me in dress was "WAHHHH!!! SO NICE ON YOU!". I couldn't agree more. HAHAHA, k anyway, the dress is very fitting I must say, I'm pretty sure that whoever who buys this dress will find it a really lovely piece. The material is cooling and stretchable, if I knew what the material was called I'd tell you, but I don't know the exact name for it(maybe you can checkout the Studiofrost website). All I know is that, this dress really compliments my figure well, and probably would for yours too if you get one of these! :) . HAPPY SHOPPING! . Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
Check out this space for Beauty tips: Skin,hair,makeup etc!
::Skincare VLOG::
Hi guys! So as promised I've decided to finally share with you guys my skincare products that I use! I've mentioned all the products plus additional tips about Skincare in my video log so click play on either one of the videos below to play.
You can choose to load the video via "Vimeo" which is way clearer in terms of picture quality or "Youtube". Your choice! Either way, the video's finally done so I hope you'll find it useful!
Vimeo Video
Youtube Video
Products mentioned in the Video
1) Eucerin White Solution Gentle Cleansing Foam 2) Biore Facial Foam Glowing Bright 3) Clarins Herbes Des Alpes Cleansing Milk 4) Loreal Paris Gentle Lip & Eye Makeup Remover 5) Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream 6) Etude House Facial Mask in Pomegranate
Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
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Contest Status: CLOSED!
Roxy Singapore has generously sponsored 4 Roxy Goodie bags(worth up $59 each) for me to GIVEAWAY to my Blog Readers!! :D COOL OR NOT? It's really easy!
I just want to know.......
"Why do You think You're the next Roxy Girl!"
What do I need to do to participate?
Just fill in the form below with your details(including your mailing address). This is important because this will be the address that I'll mail the prizes to if you do end up winning. Every empty field in the form is compulsory, so do fill in every empty field. Please also give me a valid email address so that I can contact you, should you win. :)
As for the Contest/Giveaway answer, type in your answer there(duh!)
How does this contest go about?
All you have to do is tell me why you think you're the next roxy girl! Is it because you're daring? You're fun? What is it that makes you stand out from the rest? The best 4 answers will win Roxy Goodie bags worth $59 each!
Who can participate?
Anybody and everybody! As long as you're a Singaporean citizen residing in Singapore.I'm sorry but this contest is closed to anyone not in Singapore. :(
Closing Date of contest:
.................................................... Submit all entries by:
26th March 2012, Monday!
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Sofia Dendroff
I'm just an ordinary girl
living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that
The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race
in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:
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