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Posted on Monday, April 5, 2010 @ 6:39 PM
with 0 Comments
MOVIE MARATHON DAY . Hey guys! Basically today was pretty much Movie Day at Baby's place. Caught 2 movies, The Box and Zombieland! Zombieland got me laughing throughout, from start to end. A really funny movie even though zombies are supposed to be freaky!!! Strangely, this show actually makes the zombies seem pretty funny. Hahaha. I recommend this show to you guys, it's just so dumb yet hilarious. :) M18 rating just in case you wanted to know. :) So.... Gonna upload a few of my twitter photos onto here, getting an Iphone has been extremely awesome. Baby helped me download the application Tweetdeck, and tweeting pictures has been sucha breeze, i'm so addicted to tweeting, that I tend to tweet every few hours(maybe next time, every few minutes!). Hahah, so in case some of you guys don't actually have a twitter, i'll try my best to post up the pictures I tweet in my blog. If you have twitter, FOLLOW ME! ;D (you can find the link at the side of my blog) or just search for sofiadendroff. . So woke up at about 11.30pm today, at around 12.45pm, was picked up by Kak Diah and Kak Nurul at my place to head to the studiooooo. :) Baby couldn't follow today since he had his driving lesson going on! If God willing, he'll pass it on his birthday(the test date). Then, Baby can start picking me up from school. wheeeeeee(haha, ok i musn't be too spoilt though). :P
Did I mention that today was such an unlucky day too? Kak Nurul accidentally dropped the studio lights(pretty big and heavy) directly on my feet. It hurt like a bitch, but I still managed to wear heels throughout the shoot. HAHA, the things i do uh....
Not really that clearly shown in the picture. It turned purple. In Baby's house. Look at how childish my boyfriend is. So old already but still playing with these kinda toys. HAHAHA, and Myreen looked so amused. . So, the day went pretty well I guess, sort of a lazy day la. Wanted to go jogging around the stadium today and then head to the gym, but since the foot incident, I'm pretty much a little 'handicapped' for the time being. I walk with a slight limp. I hope my feet heals sooooon. :( Oh yeah as for my tagboard, if you're wondering what happened to it? I removed it. I think it's about time I did anyway, I can't stand such negativity in my life, and people always questioning my actions or what I blog about. If you still wanna talk to me, you can. There's always Facebook and Twitter! :) . You can also use Formspring(found on the right side of my blog;scroll down) to ask me questions! To be directed to the page where questions I answered are displayed, click on the link above the question box, as shown below. Then again, questions I choose to answer only will be displayed. If i find your questions too personal(where I live etc..), your question will not be answered.
Oh yeah, do check out Studiofrost's new arrivals at www.studiofrost.net ! :) The pictures below are some of the pictures that were taken last time during the StudioPerfect photoshoot, if you wanna see the ones that were used for Studioperfect, you can always check out my Modelling Album in my Facebook Profile. :) The pictures below are the raw,unedited photos. No photoshop, no whatever. Only thing I adjusted was just to make the grass look greener(by adding contrast). .
Ok loved this photo so tried to Warmify the colours. Nice isn't it? :D
Really love the eye makeup! :D Makeup done by Kak Diah! So anyway, I shall now end this blogpost. Oh yes, as for the Bali Trip Sea walker photo that I said I would scan, I will! Sooooon, I keep forgetting to, I don't own a scanner you see.... so I gotta like find a place that has a scanner. Worst come to worst ah, I just take a picture of the photo. Hahah! . Lots of love, Sofia Dendroff
Posted on Monday, April 5, 2010 @ 6:39 PM
with 0 notes
MOVIE MARATHON DAY . Hey guys! Basically today was pretty much Movie Day at Baby's place. Caught 2 movies, The Box and Zombieland! Zombieland got me laughing throughout, from start to end. A really funny movie even though zombies are supposed to be freaky!!! Strangely, this show actually makes the zombies seem pretty funny. Hahaha. I recommend this show to you guys, it's just so dumb yet hilarious. :) M18 rating just in case you wanted to know. :) So.... Gonna upload a few of my twitter photos onto here, getting an Iphone has been extremely awesome. Baby helped me download the application Tweetdeck, and tweeting pictures has been sucha breeze, i'm so addicted to tweeting, that I tend to tweet every few hours(maybe next time, every few minutes!). Hahah, so in case some of you guys don't actually have a twitter, i'll try my best to post up the pictures I tweet in my blog. If you have twitter, FOLLOW ME! ;D (you can find the link at the side of my blog) or just search for sofiadendroff. . So woke up at about 11.30pm today, at around 12.45pm, was picked up by Kak Diah and Kak Nurul at my place to head to the studiooooo. :) Baby couldn't follow today since he had his driving lesson going on! If God willing, he'll pass it on his birthday(the test date). Then, Baby can start picking me up from school. wheeeeeee(haha, ok i musn't be too spoilt though). :P
Did I mention that today was such an unlucky day too? Kak Nurul accidentally dropped the studio lights(pretty big and heavy) directly on my feet. It hurt like a bitch, but I still managed to wear heels throughout the shoot. HAHA, the things i do uh....
Not really that clearly shown in the picture. It turned purple. In Baby's house. Look at how childish my boyfriend is. So old already but still playing with these kinda toys. HAHAHA, and Myreen looked so amused. . So, the day went pretty well I guess, sort of a lazy day la. Wanted to go jogging around the stadium today and then head to the gym, but since the foot incident, I'm pretty much a little 'handicapped' for the time being. I walk with a slight limp. I hope my feet heals sooooon. :( Oh yeah as for my tagboard, if you're wondering what happened to it? I removed it. I think it's about time I did anyway, I can't stand such negativity in my life, and people always questioning my actions or what I blog about. If you still wanna talk to me, you can. There's always Facebook and Twitter! :) . You can also use Formspring(found on the right side of my blog;scroll down) to ask me questions! To be directed to the page where questions I answered are displayed, click on the link above the question box, as shown below. Then again, questions I choose to answer only will be displayed. If i find your questions too personal(where I live etc..), your question will not be answered.
Oh yeah, do check out Studiofrost's new arrivals at www.studiofrost.net ! :) The pictures below are some of the pictures that were taken last time during the StudioPerfect photoshoot, if you wanna see the ones that were used for Studioperfect, you can always check out my Modelling Album in my Facebook Profile. :) The pictures below are the raw,unedited photos. No photoshop, no whatever. Only thing I adjusted was just to make the grass look greener(by adding contrast). .
Ok loved this photo so tried to Warmify the colours. Nice isn't it? :D
Really love the eye makeup! :D Makeup done by Kak Diah! So anyway, I shall now end this blogpost. Oh yes, as for the Bali Trip Sea walker photo that I said I would scan, I will! Sooooon, I keep forgetting to, I don't own a scanner you see.... so I gotta like find a place that has a scanner. Worst come to worst ah, I just take a picture of the photo. Hahah! . Lots of love, Sofia Dendroff
Check out this space for Beauty tips: Skin,hair,makeup etc!
::Skincare VLOG::
Hi guys! So as promised I've decided to finally share with you guys my skincare products that I use! I've mentioned all the products plus additional tips about Skincare in my video log so click play on either one of the videos below to play.
You can choose to load the video via "Vimeo" which is way clearer in terms of picture quality or "Youtube". Your choice! Either way, the video's finally done so I hope you'll find it useful!
Vimeo Video
Youtube Video
Products mentioned in the Video
1) Eucerin White Solution Gentle Cleansing Foam 2) Biore Facial Foam Glowing Bright 3) Clarins Herbes Des Alpes Cleansing Milk 4) Loreal Paris Gentle Lip & Eye Makeup Remover 5) Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream 6) Etude House Facial Mask in Pomegranate
Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
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Contest Status: CLOSED!
Roxy Singapore has generously sponsored 4 Roxy Goodie bags(worth up $59 each) for me to GIVEAWAY to my Blog Readers!! :D COOL OR NOT? It's really easy!
I just want to know.......
"Why do You think You're the next Roxy Girl!"
What do I need to do to participate?
Just fill in the form below with your details(including your mailing address). This is important because this will be the address that I'll mail the prizes to if you do end up winning. Every empty field in the form is compulsory, so do fill in every empty field. Please also give me a valid email address so that I can contact you, should you win. :)
As for the Contest/Giveaway answer, type in your answer there(duh!)
How does this contest go about?
All you have to do is tell me why you think you're the next roxy girl! Is it because you're daring? You're fun? What is it that makes you stand out from the rest? The best 4 answers will win Roxy Goodie bags worth $59 each!
Who can participate?
Anybody and everybody! As long as you're a Singaporean citizen residing in Singapore.I'm sorry but this contest is closed to anyone not in Singapore. :(
Closing Date of contest:
.................................................... Submit all entries by:
26th March 2012, Monday!
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♥I'm a Style Blogger for FEMMEX.Click banner to read posts♥
Sofia Dendroff
I'm just an ordinary girl
living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that
The best things in life can't be bought with money.
♥ Friends ♥ Family ♥ GOD
♥ Modelling ♥ Animals♥
I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race
in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:
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