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Posted on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 @ 11:55 AM
with 0 Comments
My Favourite Beauty Products .............................................................. . Ever since I opened my formspring, a lot of people have been asking me the products I use on my face/hair etc. What kinda hairspray I use, what blusher, mascara, foundation, BB cream etcetc. Someone even asked me what deodorant I use, which is hm... kinda weird. In this blogpost, I will now reveal my SECRETS.Mwahahaha! If you read on, you will realize, most of the products I own below are pretty affordable. I'm not a materialistic sort, and I really think that any brand will do. As long as it looks good on me, who cares about the price/brand. So girls, if you're on a tight budget, you're on the right page because most of the products below are pretty much affordable except for maybe a a couple that might require some saving up for. . First of, I'm just gonna introduce to you some of the makeup products that I use for my everyday makeup look! :) The products below go in the order of how I apply my makeup whenever I go out. . . 1. MAC NW25 Studio Finish Concealer SPF 35. . Okay I recently started using this product not that long ago. I've never really tried any Mac products until well, this one. It was given to me by Kak Nurul to give it a try to conceal my hideous dark circles, and boy am I so glad that I really loveeee the results. Ever since then, I've always started using this product to specifically just target my undereye dark circles. . So, this is my very first step whenever I apply my makeup everyday. Oh yes, please do not forget to put your daily moisturizer before each makeup application so that your face won't look too dried out!(IMPORTANT). . . . 2. Loreal True Match Super Blendable Concealer (Warm) . This is the 2nd product that I use. It's also a concealer, but I use this concealer to lightly 'dot' certain areas on my face for extra coverage(eg, my dark eye circles). I really like this product because as the name already says, it is super blendable and affordable. So whenever I need some, I can easily just stock up! You can also use this concealer to cover your imperfections on your face. Redness on your skin, blotches on your skin etc. This step is optional. If you feel that you just want your makeup to be really light, then just move on to the next step! :)
. . . 3. Maybelline BB Cream. (FAVOURITE PRODUCT OF THE YEAR) . This is definitely my favourite product of the year. When my mum first introduced this product to me, I was rather skeptical about it. I was just happy with applying only concealer on my face. As a result, my face ended up looking a little blotchy from the places where the concealer was not applied. So , I decided to give Maybelline BB Cream a try, and over time I grew to really like this product because even I felt and saw a different in the texture of my skin. It was definitely smoother, brighter and skin 'glowed', and didn't look as blotchy or dried out as before. :) . I like the fact that it is really light on the skin and only requires a small amount to cover a large surface area. It's also suitable for all skin types, and it really blends into the colour of your skin tone! Sadly, this is limited edition, and I really don't know what I'll do if this ever stops production. But for now, I'm just gonna gonna stock up on this product whenever I can! . BLOG GIVEAWAY UPDATE: And guys, it could be your lucky day too to win yourself a free Maybelline BB Cream product. If you don't already know, I'm having a Luckydraw, and closing entries are tomorrow, 4th June, 12 midnight! All you need to do is to submit a photo of yourself (with/without a fansign with my name/blog name) and email that picture along with your name and Address to contest_sofiadendroff@hotmail.comto enter the Luckydraw! . So if you haven't already done that! WHAT ARE YA WAITING FOR MAN! IT'S FREE! JUST TRY YOUR LUCK! IT WON'T KILL YOU! :D THERE WILL BE 5 LUCKY WINNERS FOR THIS LUCKYDRAW, SO CHANCES OF YOU WINNING IS PRETTY HIGH! :) Others have already sent in their entries, how about you?! . . I decided to prove to you guys just how blend-able this BB cream really is, so I squeezed out a little on my hand, and in a circular motion I blended it in. . . See how it accommodates to your skin tone? It works for all different skin tones, so this product is definitely a GEM! ;) And just so you know, the colour of my skin on my hand(picture above) is slightly darker than my face and yet it looks as if, I did nothing to it. . . 3. Silkygirl Lash Prism Mascara in Dark Brown o2 . I really like this mascara because it looks really nice when I coat my bottom lashes. I won't consider this the best mascara, but I just like how it looks when coated on the lashes! Plus, it's really affordable too! :D . Just a note: Although this mascara says it's Waterproof, it's actually not really waterproof because whenever it rains, my mascara smudges. -.- But to me, i don't really bother too much about it being waterproof, I just like how it looks on my lashes! :) But in all honesty, if I can find a better mascara, I would. . . 4. CanMake White Eyeliner . So after putting on my mascara, the next step is to line my waterline with white eyeliner. I like using white eyeliner because it really helps open up my eyes and it doesn't make my eyes look too droopy/sleepy all the time. In case you don't already know, I've naturally looking sleepy eyes. My friends like to call it Seductive, because well, it looks seductive. LOL WTH. Anyway, don't put too much of this, I just like using this on the inner corners of my eyes. :) . . 5. Silkygirl Natural Brow Pencil in 02 Dark Brown . I recently started drawing my eyebrows because I was so fascinated with how lush my eyebrows looked after every Photoshoot I had with Studiofrost. I liked how full my eyebrows looked. And no, I'm not talking about a one line kinda eyebrow. I just really like dark and thick eyebrows, but of course not too thick. I think taking care of your eyebrows is really important. You can have the most beautiful face, the most flawless skin, the best set of teeth and eyes, but if your eyebrows are hm.. horrendous, it'll affect your entire look. . . Take for example, this girl. You wouldn't want eyebrows that looks like 2 big fat leeches now do you? . ] . When I talk about nice lush and beautifully shaped eyebrows, I refer to some like Camilla Belle. I think she has the most perfect set of eyebrows if you ask me. Although her eyebrows are really thick, she looks good in it surprisingly. And she's stunningly beautiful! . . . 6. Clinique Powder Blush; 109 pink love . And to end off my look, I use a nice pinkish blusher from Clinique. Of all the blushers I've ever used, this is definitely my top favourite. I love how natural it looks on my skin, and I like the fact that it gives me a nice rosy glow on my cheeks without it looking too overdone or pink! :) This however might be a little pricey because Clinique is a really good and established brand. I don't remember the price though.. . . And that's the end of my everyday makeup look! :D Might seem like a lot of products, but it's really not alot. If you realize, I don't really use any eyeshadows. I don't really like it I guess. I like how it looks during photoshoots and stuff, but I don't really think I'd ever wear it out. Maybe one day? Who knows.. . And I don't use any sort of Powder or Foundation on my face either. The products you see above are the only products I use for my makeup! :) . . Other Favourite Products . 1. Lancome Rouge Attraction 107 . To those of you who saw pictures of me in Red lipstick or who have seen me during the Studiofrost Sale and asked me what lipstick I use, this is a picture of it! :) I absolutely adore the colour of this lipstick, and I honestly think Red looks good on me. I've tried pink lipsticks and yet, I always feel that pink does not seem to suit me. :/ . . This is how I look like using this lipstick.. However, after application of this lipstick, I usually lightly coat my lips with a little bit of Clarins lip gloss to make the lipstick look somewhat younger and glossier. . . . 2. Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Mascara . This mascara was given to me by my bestfriend Melissa when she went overseas. I'm not too sure if Singapore sells this though but you can try your luck finding it. I really love this mascara but I'm always saving this for special occasions because I really do not want it to run out! :( It makes my lashes look really thicker and longer and I like the fact that it can even act as an eyeliner as well. Whenever I use this mascara and coat the top and bottom lashes, people tend to ask me if I use eyeliner because this mascara really does give people the illusion that you're using eyeliner! :) And it's a good comment btw. . . 3. HAIRSPRAYS!! (ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE - For me) . Now you know the secret to my thick and poofy looking hair. It's all thanks to hairspray and TEASING. If you don't know whats teasing, go look for a tutorial on Youtube. They have some good tutorials there! :) And it's really simple too! . . a. Good Look Hairspray . This is the hairspray I use whenever I go out. It's got a nice firm hold for my hair, yet not too strong a hold. It doesn't make my hair feel stiff, that's the good thing about it! :D And this hairspray is CHEAP! You can get it for like $5 plus! :) . . b. Crema Color Defining Spray Strong Hold . I use this hairspray for whenever I require a really really strong hold on my hair. For example, I'm doing a really neat bun, or a very big hairstyle that requires a strong hold. I don't recommend you use this for daily use because it does make your hair a little stiff. This hairspray is slightly pricey too. I got this for about $18 plus. . . 4. Emami Fairness Cream for Teenagers Moisturizer. . This is the moisturizer I use most of the time before I go to bed and before makeup application. I like the fact that it's super nice smelling and really light on the skin! It does not give the sticky yet leaves the skin feeling so moisturized and smooth. You'll be surprised if I tell you how much this costs. Only about $3 plus. Seriously guys. This proves that you DON'T need to buy such expensive products to look good. Like I said, as long as the results are good, don't bother about the brand or price. :) But ladies, I'm not telling you to get this same moisturizer that I'm using, if the expensive moisturizer you're using already gives you results that you want, then just stick with it! :D . . 5. about U New York Reparing BB Cream . This is another BB Cream that I really like as well. Besides Maybelline, this is also a really good brand and the results are almost as good as that of the Maybelline BB Cream. :) . . 6. Clarins Concealer Before I started using Silkygirl concealer or Mac, I used to splurge $52 + on a small tube of concealer from Clarins! I must say, it really drained my pockets as I wasn't even working then! However, I must tell you though that the results of this concealer is really FABULOUS! It really realllyyyyy covers your flaws really well! Maybe one day when I earn more money, I'll start using this product again. For now, I'm pretty happy with using my cheapo Silkygirl concealer and Mac! ;) . And this comes to the end of this blog post! I hope you guys won't keep asking me on Formspring what products I use for my face etc, because this blogpost should answer your questions already! To the girl who requested for me to do a blogpost on my Favourite Makeup Products, hope this answers your question too! If you guys have any suggestions on what kinda blogpost I should blog about, do let me know via Formspring! :) . BLOG POST SUGGESTIONS .
Blog about my Drama class with the kids I teach.
Blog about my cat Jasper
Blog about my brothers.
Favourite makeup products (CHECK!)
My childhood days (CHECK!)
Lovestory between Shafiq and I (this one I see how, I may not blog about this because it's too personal, hahaha!)
How I became a model
Where do I always shop
. If you've anymore suggestions for me to add to the list, let me know! I take every suggestion to heart and try my best to do a blogpost on it even though it might take me some time to blog about it. ;P . P.S HI BABY! ;D HERE'S A SHOUTOUT TO YOU! I LOVE YOU! . Till then my lovely blog readers! Take care, and don't forget to take part in my Luckydraw! It ends tomorrow, 12 midnight, so hurry hurry hurry send in your entries! . Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
Posted on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 @ 11:55 AM
with 0 notes
My Favourite Beauty Products .............................................................. . Ever since I opened my formspring, a lot of people have been asking me the products I use on my face/hair etc. What kinda hairspray I use, what blusher, mascara, foundation, BB cream etcetc. Someone even asked me what deodorant I use, which is hm... kinda weird. In this blogpost, I will now reveal my SECRETS.Mwahahaha! If you read on, you will realize, most of the products I own below are pretty affordable. I'm not a materialistic sort, and I really think that any brand will do. As long as it looks good on me, who cares about the price/brand. So girls, if you're on a tight budget, you're on the right page because most of the products below are pretty much affordable except for maybe a a couple that might require some saving up for. . First of, I'm just gonna introduce to you some of the makeup products that I use for my everyday makeup look! :) The products below go in the order of how I apply my makeup whenever I go out. . . 1. MAC NW25 Studio Finish Concealer SPF 35. . Okay I recently started using this product not that long ago. I've never really tried any Mac products until well, this one. It was given to me by Kak Nurul to give it a try to conceal my hideous dark circles, and boy am I so glad that I really loveeee the results. Ever since then, I've always started using this product to specifically just target my undereye dark circles. . So, this is my very first step whenever I apply my makeup everyday. Oh yes, please do not forget to put your daily moisturizer before each makeup application so that your face won't look too dried out!(IMPORTANT). . . . 2. Loreal True Match Super Blendable Concealer (Warm) . This is the 2nd product that I use. It's also a concealer, but I use this concealer to lightly 'dot' certain areas on my face for extra coverage(eg, my dark eye circles). I really like this product because as the name already says, it is super blendable and affordable. So whenever I need some, I can easily just stock up! You can also use this concealer to cover your imperfections on your face. Redness on your skin, blotches on your skin etc. This step is optional. If you feel that you just want your makeup to be really light, then just move on to the next step! :)
. . . 3. Maybelline BB Cream. (FAVOURITE PRODUCT OF THE YEAR) . This is definitely my favourite product of the year. When my mum first introduced this product to me, I was rather skeptical about it. I was just happy with applying only concealer on my face. As a result, my face ended up looking a little blotchy from the places where the concealer was not applied. So , I decided to give Maybelline BB Cream a try, and over time I grew to really like this product because even I felt and saw a different in the texture of my skin. It was definitely smoother, brighter and skin 'glowed', and didn't look as blotchy or dried out as before. :) . I like the fact that it is really light on the skin and only requires a small amount to cover a large surface area. It's also suitable for all skin types, and it really blends into the colour of your skin tone! Sadly, this is limited edition, and I really don't know what I'll do if this ever stops production. But for now, I'm just gonna gonna stock up on this product whenever I can! . BLOG GIVEAWAY UPDATE: And guys, it could be your lucky day too to win yourself a free Maybelline BB Cream product. If you don't already know, I'm having a Luckydraw, and closing entries are tomorrow, 4th June, 12 midnight! All you need to do is to submit a photo of yourself (with/without a fansign with my name/blog name) and email that picture along with your name and Address to contest_sofiadendroff@hotmail.comto enter the Luckydraw! . So if you haven't already done that! WHAT ARE YA WAITING FOR MAN! IT'S FREE! JUST TRY YOUR LUCK! IT WON'T KILL YOU! :D THERE WILL BE 5 LUCKY WINNERS FOR THIS LUCKYDRAW, SO CHANCES OF YOU WINNING IS PRETTY HIGH! :) Others have already sent in their entries, how about you?! . . I decided to prove to you guys just how blend-able this BB cream really is, so I squeezed out a little on my hand, and in a circular motion I blended it in. . . See how it accommodates to your skin tone? It works for all different skin tones, so this product is definitely a GEM! ;) And just so you know, the colour of my skin on my hand(picture above) is slightly darker than my face and yet it looks as if, I did nothing to it. . . 3. Silkygirl Lash Prism Mascara in Dark Brown o2 . I really like this mascara because it looks really nice when I coat my bottom lashes. I won't consider this the best mascara, but I just like how it looks when coated on the lashes! Plus, it's really affordable too! :D . Just a note: Although this mascara says it's Waterproof, it's actually not really waterproof because whenever it rains, my mascara smudges. -.- But to me, i don't really bother too much about it being waterproof, I just like how it looks on my lashes! :) But in all honesty, if I can find a better mascara, I would. . . 4. CanMake White Eyeliner . So after putting on my mascara, the next step is to line my waterline with white eyeliner. I like using white eyeliner because it really helps open up my eyes and it doesn't make my eyes look too droopy/sleepy all the time. In case you don't already know, I've naturally looking sleepy eyes. My friends like to call it Seductive, because well, it looks seductive. LOL WTH. Anyway, don't put too much of this, I just like using this on the inner corners of my eyes. :) . . 5. Silkygirl Natural Brow Pencil in 02 Dark Brown . I recently started drawing my eyebrows because I was so fascinated with how lush my eyebrows looked after every Photoshoot I had with Studiofrost. I liked how full my eyebrows looked. And no, I'm not talking about a one line kinda eyebrow. I just really like dark and thick eyebrows, but of course not too thick. I think taking care of your eyebrows is really important. You can have the most beautiful face, the most flawless skin, the best set of teeth and eyes, but if your eyebrows are hm.. horrendous, it'll affect your entire look. . . Take for example, this girl. You wouldn't want eyebrows that looks like 2 big fat leeches now do you? . ] . When I talk about nice lush and beautifully shaped eyebrows, I refer to some like Camilla Belle. I think she has the most perfect set of eyebrows if you ask me. Although her eyebrows are really thick, she looks good in it surprisingly. And she's stunningly beautiful! . . . 6. Clinique Powder Blush; 109 pink love . And to end off my look, I use a nice pinkish blusher from Clinique. Of all the blushers I've ever used, this is definitely my top favourite. I love how natural it looks on my skin, and I like the fact that it gives me a nice rosy glow on my cheeks without it looking too overdone or pink! :) This however might be a little pricey because Clinique is a really good and established brand. I don't remember the price though.. . . And that's the end of my everyday makeup look! :D Might seem like a lot of products, but it's really not alot. If you realize, I don't really use any eyeshadows. I don't really like it I guess. I like how it looks during photoshoots and stuff, but I don't really think I'd ever wear it out. Maybe one day? Who knows.. . And I don't use any sort of Powder or Foundation on my face either. The products you see above are the only products I use for my makeup! :) . . Other Favourite Products . 1. Lancome Rouge Attraction 107 . To those of you who saw pictures of me in Red lipstick or who have seen me during the Studiofrost Sale and asked me what lipstick I use, this is a picture of it! :) I absolutely adore the colour of this lipstick, and I honestly think Red looks good on me. I've tried pink lipsticks and yet, I always feel that pink does not seem to suit me. :/ . . This is how I look like using this lipstick.. However, after application of this lipstick, I usually lightly coat my lips with a little bit of Clarins lip gloss to make the lipstick look somewhat younger and glossier. . . . 2. Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Mascara . This mascara was given to me by my bestfriend Melissa when she went overseas. I'm not too sure if Singapore sells this though but you can try your luck finding it. I really love this mascara but I'm always saving this for special occasions because I really do not want it to run out! :( It makes my lashes look really thicker and longer and I like the fact that it can even act as an eyeliner as well. Whenever I use this mascara and coat the top and bottom lashes, people tend to ask me if I use eyeliner because this mascara really does give people the illusion that you're using eyeliner! :) And it's a good comment btw. . . 3. HAIRSPRAYS!! (ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE - For me) . Now you know the secret to my thick and poofy looking hair. It's all thanks to hairspray and TEASING. If you don't know whats teasing, go look for a tutorial on Youtube. They have some good tutorials there! :) And it's really simple too! . . a. Good Look Hairspray . This is the hairspray I use whenever I go out. It's got a nice firm hold for my hair, yet not too strong a hold. It doesn't make my hair feel stiff, that's the good thing about it! :D And this hairspray is CHEAP! You can get it for like $5 plus! :) . . b. Crema Color Defining Spray Strong Hold . I use this hairspray for whenever I require a really really strong hold on my hair. For example, I'm doing a really neat bun, or a very big hairstyle that requires a strong hold. I don't recommend you use this for daily use because it does make your hair a little stiff. This hairspray is slightly pricey too. I got this for about $18 plus. . . 4. Emami Fairness Cream for Teenagers Moisturizer. . This is the moisturizer I use most of the time before I go to bed and before makeup application. I like the fact that it's super nice smelling and really light on the skin! It does not give the sticky yet leaves the skin feeling so moisturized and smooth. You'll be surprised if I tell you how much this costs. Only about $3 plus. Seriously guys. This proves that you DON'T need to buy such expensive products to look good. Like I said, as long as the results are good, don't bother about the brand or price. :) But ladies, I'm not telling you to get this same moisturizer that I'm using, if the expensive moisturizer you're using already gives you results that you want, then just stick with it! :D . . 5. about U New York Reparing BB Cream . This is another BB Cream that I really like as well. Besides Maybelline, this is also a really good brand and the results are almost as good as that of the Maybelline BB Cream. :) . . 6. Clarins Concealer Before I started using Silkygirl concealer or Mac, I used to splurge $52 + on a small tube of concealer from Clarins! I must say, it really drained my pockets as I wasn't even working then! However, I must tell you though that the results of this concealer is really FABULOUS! It really realllyyyyy covers your flaws really well! Maybe one day when I earn more money, I'll start using this product again. For now, I'm pretty happy with using my cheapo Silkygirl concealer and Mac! ;) . And this comes to the end of this blog post! I hope you guys won't keep asking me on Formspring what products I use for my face etc, because this blogpost should answer your questions already! To the girl who requested for me to do a blogpost on my Favourite Makeup Products, hope this answers your question too! If you guys have any suggestions on what kinda blogpost I should blog about, do let me know via Formspring! :) . BLOG POST SUGGESTIONS .
Blog about my Drama class with the kids I teach.
Blog about my cat Jasper
Blog about my brothers.
Favourite makeup products (CHECK!)
My childhood days (CHECK!)
Lovestory between Shafiq and I (this one I see how, I may not blog about this because it's too personal, hahaha!)
How I became a model
Where do I always shop
. If you've anymore suggestions for me to add to the list, let me know! I take every suggestion to heart and try my best to do a blogpost on it even though it might take me some time to blog about it. ;P . P.S HI BABY! ;D HERE'S A SHOUTOUT TO YOU! I LOVE YOU! . Till then my lovely blog readers! Take care, and don't forget to take part in my Luckydraw! It ends tomorrow, 12 midnight, so hurry hurry hurry send in your entries! . Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
Check out this space for Beauty tips: Skin,hair,makeup etc!
::Skincare VLOG::
Hi guys! So as promised I've decided to finally share with you guys my skincare products that I use! I've mentioned all the products plus additional tips about Skincare in my video log so click play on either one of the videos below to play.
You can choose to load the video via "Vimeo" which is way clearer in terms of picture quality or "Youtube". Your choice! Either way, the video's finally done so I hope you'll find it useful!
Vimeo Video
Youtube Video
Products mentioned in the Video
1) Eucerin White Solution Gentle Cleansing Foam 2) Biore Facial Foam Glowing Bright 3) Clarins Herbes Des Alpes Cleansing Milk 4) Loreal Paris Gentle Lip & Eye Makeup Remover 5) Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream 6) Etude House Facial Mask in Pomegranate
Lots of Love, Sofia Dendroff
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Contest Status: CLOSED!
Roxy Singapore has generously sponsored 4 Roxy Goodie bags(worth up $59 each) for me to GIVEAWAY to my Blog Readers!! :D COOL OR NOT? It's really easy!
I just want to know.......
"Why do You think You're the next Roxy Girl!"
What do I need to do to participate?
Just fill in the form below with your details(including your mailing address). This is important because this will be the address that I'll mail the prizes to if you do end up winning. Every empty field in the form is compulsory, so do fill in every empty field. Please also give me a valid email address so that I can contact you, should you win. :)
As for the Contest/Giveaway answer, type in your answer there(duh!)
How does this contest go about?
All you have to do is tell me why you think you're the next roxy girl! Is it because you're daring? You're fun? What is it that makes you stand out from the rest? The best 4 answers will win Roxy Goodie bags worth $59 each!
Who can participate?
Anybody and everybody! As long as you're a Singaporean citizen residing in Singapore.I'm sorry but this contest is closed to anyone not in Singapore. :(
Closing Date of contest:
.................................................... Submit all entries by:
26th March 2012, Monday!
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Sofia Dendroff
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The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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