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New Moon & Friday! :) |
Posted on Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 9:22 AM with 0 Comments

So, on Thursday right after my Macroeconomics paper, Falila and I headed down to AMK Hub to catch New Moon! :D

It was a pretty good movie. JACOB IS SO FUCKING HOT. But his nose abit big la, come to think of it...
I was squealing to Falila(quietly of course) in the cinema when Jacob walked in the rain with his awesomely hot short hair and bare body. AHHHHH!~
Ok, i shall stop here. HAHA.
There were times I felt like Edward was being sucha prick, I wanted very much for Bella and Jacob to like kiss.
Kay, honestly I'd hope for these things cos I didn't read the book, so I guess it was a little more exciting for me?
Anyway, here are some pictures Falila and I took! :)

We were in the baby care room or something. xD


And something really retarded that Falila and I did... I hope you can see.
So, we saw these stickers stuck on wall and we decided to come up with a story... sorta. haha

I think the pictures can speak for themselves. :D
So, yesterday was another great day. Well in the beginning it was. Sigh.
Anyway, I met up with Megan and Nikkie right after school at Bugis. Nikkie had her hair extensions done, so Megan and I shopped around. Bought 2 tops and Megan bought this really cool looking nerd glasses. I love Megan's hair! It's just so fucking nice. Pink, purple and black highlights. Damn nice lah.
After Nikkie's extensions were done, we met up with Mark and Annaan at Bugis Macs. And my sandal just HAD to break I tell you. Zzzzz... why am i always so unlucky? So, I decided to buy heels. I got these really nice pair for near 30 bucks at Bugis! :) Really comfortable to wear.
After that, we headed to Arab Street to Sheeeshaaaa.
I guess the best part of the day was at the sheesha place. I felt so relaxed and at ease there. The music there however was a little strange.. hahaha.
Hariz came down to meet us too! It was the first time meeting him. He's from Qatar and he came to Singapore for a holiday. A really chill and nice fella I must say. (:
Camwhored quite a bit at the place, but all the pictures are in Nikkie's camera. Will post em up once I've received them.
So, after staying at the place for like.... a few hours, we took a bus to Parkway to meet up with Harris! :D
We all walked to East Coast when it was already around 11 plus. That was when my mother started making so much noise, asking me to come home and all. It's really unfair lah.. my dad allowed me to stay till the first bus. But cos my mother was being sucha paranoid freak, she totally ruined the night and I left around 2am. :(
Anyway, before 2am, we all decided to crash a chalet. So, we went to some chalet at East Coast. We don't even know the person who rented it. HAHA, we wanted to go there for food,and good music.
When we got there, it was so freaking quiet. The quietest chalet I've been to in my life. Chris and Edwin were there, but I was already in sucha terrible mood that I honestly didn't talk much the whole night(or rather morning).
Mum just wouldn't stop calling... so i just decided to take the cab back home. Thanks Annaan and Harris for walking me out.
Everything would have worked out perfectly if it hadn't been for my mum. Oh wells... that's just how my life is.
Sad. .. .
and miserable.

Love, Sofia.

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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