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Posted on Monday, February 15, 2010 @ 11:44 AM with 0 Comments

So as you all know, Valentine's Day was yesterday and I hope everyone had a Valentine of some sort, be it your close friend, your boyfriend, your dog, your cat, or even your family. Hopefully Valentine's wasn't a sad one for you. But if it was, hey look on the bright side, there's still gonna be another Valentine's next year! And honestly, I don't really believe in showering your loved one with surprises, gifts and lots of love on this day. I believe everyday should be Valentine's. But maybe without all the chocolates, and expensive gifts. Otherwise we'd all go broke wouldn't we? Hahah!
Anyway, a day before Valentine's, I received a phone call from my boyfriend in the middle of the night asking me to go outside my house. I panicked because I thought he was outside or something wanting to surprise me (again) when I was in my most unglamm-est(spectacles, messy hair, makeup-less face and ugly home clothes). HAHAH.
Why I used the word 'again'? The last 2 times he surprised me, was cos he came all the way to buy me lunch and another time, dinner. He came all the way just to see me for 5 minutes and pass me food when I never even asked him or anything. I really love you la baby. :) You're really full of surprises you know that, which I absolutely love, cos it keeps the relationship exciting.
It's just that , if you keep using all the possible surprises that I can think of, what's gonna be left for me to use to ever surprise you? HAHA. If you get what I'm trying to say...
Ok NVM, ANYWAY!!! (:
I went outside to find a paper bag. In the paper bag, there were 3 gifts. Baby called me soon after to ask me if I've seen what was left outside. Apparently, it was my Valentine's Day Gift! Given a day in advance! :D
Inside, I found 3 gifts! :D

The first.......

A Chocolate Fudge Cake(the cake shifted a little on the tray) that Baby baked ALL BY HIMSELF! OH MY GODDD, I was almost close to tears. Tears of happiness of course. I was just so freaking touched. :')
Girls, if your man ever BAKES or COOKS for you, trust me, he's definitely a KEEPER. Boys don't usually do stuff like this. They'd usually just buy you a box of chocolates or a cake from a shop and get them to customize it simply by adding your name on top? I mean come onnnn, where's the effort in that right?
Thank you Baby! :D I tried it and I love it! It's really good! There's barely half of the cake left in the fridge! :D

The second gift was........

A Photo album with a heart that he cut out by himself to paste on the cover! :D
This was written on the first page of the album! :D

Here are a few photos in the album. There were a lot more in there! :D

Baby this album will most definitely keep growing with tons of memories(HAPPY MEMORIES that we will be making together in future. :)

The third gift was........


A box! Hm.... what's in the box you might wonder?

Opened it to find lots of curly ribbons. Pushed them aside to find......
34 folded paper hearts and lots of Hershey's kisses!
Baby folded the hearts himself and in every heart there was something sweet that he wrote about me! :D
And that wraps up the 3 gifts that he made for me. Baby thank you once again for the tremendous amount of effort you put into every gift. You made my gift look like crap. (HAHAHA), I was so worried luh, my gift was so inferior to yours and I was so afraid you wouldn't like it. But THANK GOD YOU DID. Even if you didn't, I'm sure you'd still tell me you like it anyway. HA- HA. Ok. HAHA.
So, this year the boyfriend and I decided to spend our Valentine's Day differently. Usually most couples would do the usual, dinner reservation at some fancy restaurant or hotel or perhaps a candlelit dinner by the beach or smth?
Instead of all the unnecessary costs and expenses that would be spent from an expensive dinner, we decided to spend Valentine's Day at some Park in Changi. We pitched a tent, had home-made dinner made by Ili and Shafiq's mum(thank you! ^^ ) by the side of the sea and spent the night fishing! :D
It was definitely something different. Fishing on Valentine's Day? Even my Mum laughed at me. But I guess it's not really about the place you go, or the amount of money you spend on a gift, it's about spending it with the person you love. Even if it were a simple dinner at a coffeeshop or a simple stroll along the beach, I wouldn't mind,cos at least I know I'm not spending Valentine's Day alone. :)
So anyway, the day started with Shafiq picking me up from my place at around 4pm.
Around my place.

Headed to his place to fetch the stuff we needed. Tent, the food and whatnot.
Went there and was greeted with smiles from his warm and loving family. Was invited by Shafiq's mum, to join them for lunch. Thank you Mak Cik! ^^ I had a piece of KFC Fried Chicken and some sides like fries, coleslaw and mashed potatoes.
After which, Ili led me to her room and was asking me to try on her SIA Air Stewardess Uniform!! Tried it on and I have to admit, these kebayas are helluva tight fitting. Hahah!But I really love it!!! :D Ili took a couple of pics too with her DSLR. I look really stupid in the pictures though. HAHHA. As usual, me making stupid faces at the camera. HAHA.

Left his place at around 5 plus with all the stuff we needed. Tent. Check. Fishing equipment. Check. Fishing rod. Check. Food. Check. Valuables. Check. Ourselves. CHECK! :)
While waiting for a bus to head to Changi we decided to camwhore at the bus stop! :D


So, we reached the Park. It was near Changi Beach but not exactly there. I don't really know what the place is called to be honest.

Setting up the tent! :)
So, we didn't exactly fish or eat right away. We spent some time getting comfortable in the tent while playing games on his Iphone! I'm addicted to the game Wheel of Fortune. It's really addictive!!! :D

At around 8 plus, we had our dinner! :) The food was delish! :) I always prefer a homecooked meal. Kinda gives you the homely feel. It's nice (:
When the tide got a little higher, we decided to start fishing! First up. BAIT. We used what they call a Punpun. Some sorta worm that lived in this coccoon like thingy. It smelled, and I was so grossed out by it I didn't even touch it at all. Thank God I had my baby there to do all the manly work. HAHAHA.

Inside the 'shell' or 'home' of the Punpun.

Goodbye wormie. Say hello to fishy!
Oh yeah, Baby wanted me to add that the rod we used was meant to catch small fish.
HAHAHA. It was my first time fishing luh, and it was more of a fun experience for me, and just a play-play experience for him.
Our first catch of the day. Looks big here doesn't it? Yeah it is very big actually.

Ok.NOT. HAHAHA. Eh, looks cute right? HAHA

Second and last catch of the day. We weren't expecting to catch this at all, but surprisingly we caught a crab!! It's a female btw. Baby told me that the yellow pouch-lookalike thingy at the bottom of the crab is actually where the eggs are stored, so yeah.. IT'S A FEMALE CRAB!

We fished kinda late which was why when the tide got higher at around 12am, it was pretty much impossible to catch anything else.
We spent the rest of the night in the tent and ended up falling asleep till 5am. Noice... HAHA.
The breeze was just so nice that we couldn't help but fall asleep.
Overall, I guess Valentine's Day was spent nicely! :) Thanks to the company of course.
Lots of love,
Sofia Dendroff.

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Sofia Dendroff

I'm just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world & I strongly believe that The best things in life can't be bought with money.
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I'm a Eurasian mixed with every single race in Singapore, so that makes me Unique. :D
& I'm a December baby! (:

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