Posted on Monday, September 10, 2012 @ 8:45 AM
with 2 Comments
Hey guys!
So here's a really random blogpost that sorta just came to me when I was having a shower. (LOL. i know right..whuuuttt?).So recently I've been getting alot of formspring questions about my braces and so I've decided to do a blog entry on this. It's all you have to know about BRACES. Okay but of course, I'm no teeth expert so I'm only going to be sharing with you what I do know. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask your dentist. ^^
So why did you have braces again?Didn't you have it on before?
Yes I did! Back when I was in secondary school.I'm not saying it isn't straight but it still wasn't what I wanted it to be. It could have been better because my teeth were not aligned properly. The back part of my teeth was slightly more inwards than the rest, so when I smiled it make me look like I had no teeth at the back. I told the problem to my dentist and she told me that although it was only a slight issue, it could still be corrected with braces and so, that's what I did!
How long will you have the braces on for, then?
Since the issue is quite minor,it'll only be for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months, depending on the progress of my teeth!
How much did you pay for the braces for the second time round?
Due to the very reason that it is only minor and that I'd only be needing it for a short period of time, braces for the second time round will cost me $800.
$250 for the top, and $250 for the bottom. But don't forget... braces doesn't just stop there... even after braces, you still have to put on your retainers, and so a new set of retainers will cost an additional $300, making it a total of $800.
If the problem lies with the top part of your teeth only, why do you need braces for the bottom?
Call me vain or what but I don't know why but I just think that braces for the top part of my teeth would just look weird and so for the sake of vanity, I'm willing to fork out an additional sum of money since it's not just going to be for a day or two!! Even though it's between 3 to 6 months, it's still a long period of time!
So how much did braces for the first time cost you then?
In total, including the extractions and such, I think I spent close to 3k or slightly more than 3k for my braces.
Extractions?! I have to extract my teeth??
It depends on your teeth. Some people are lucky and can afford to not extract any teeth because there is enough space for the teeth to move. As for me, I was one of the unlucky ones and so I had to extract 4 teeth before I could put on the braces. Each tooth extracted cost me $50, and so that was $200 to extract 4 teeth. You actually get to keep the extracted tooth too, but I found it pretty gross and so I threw mine. Haha
Does extraction hurt?
Extracting doesn't hurt. What hurts is when they inject your gums with anesthesia to numb the gums. The first injection is the most painful, and then it gradually becomes less painful as your gums start to numb. The extracting process isn't painful at all because you can't feel anything. All you can feel is just alot of pressure in your mouth as the dentist is yanking your tooth out. Okay did I scare you? I'm sorry. Haha, but it's not that bad, don't worry. :)
Do you put on braces right after your teeth are extracted?
No you do not because that would be insane. After extracting, the dentist will ask you to rest about a week or two. Just so the bleeding will stop and the gums will heal. After it has healed, then you go back to the dental clinic for the braces part!
So does putting braces on hurt? How's the procedure like?
Nah, getting your braces put on does not hurt but what hurts is the fact that your mouth has to be kept open for about an hour or so. Basically the dentist will have to put on these metal things you see (square-like) called brackets on every tooth. On every person you see with braces, you'd see like a metal square right per tooth right? Yeah those are called brackets. Brackets are just plain silver when put on.
So why do I have friends who complain about their teeth hurting?
The process of putting braces on does not hurt. What hurts is the aftermath! Yes your teeth will hurt pretty bad depending on your tolerance of pain. For me, it ached so bad that all I wanted to do all day was sleep and just not talk or eat. As a result, I lost weight. Could be good or bad? I don't know. Hahah
Why do I have ulcers from putting on braces?
Oh and another thing, when you first have your braces on, you will be really prone to having ulcers. Why? because imagine this. Everytime you talk, everytime you eat etc.. those metal brackets are constantly rubbing against the insides of yourcheeks and so it may be prone to bleeding and ulcers. But that's totally normal during the first few weeks because the insides of your cheeks aren't used to it yet. I call it the 'strengthening and conditioning' of the cheeks. After a few weeks, your gums will be used to it and it won't bleed anymore!
What can I do to reduce the pain?
Not to worry! Thankfully they have dental wax that you can put on your brackets. It helps prevent the bracket from irritating your
cheeks or gums. At first you will probably use a lot of
dental wax, but as your get used to your braces and the
insides of your cheeks "toughen up" you may wind up using
less,and eventually, none at all!
Besides that, you can also take painkillers(which your dentist will provide to help reduce the pain or ache. Eating cold food like ice cream, frozen yoghurt or even plain ice water may also help to reduce the pain.
I get to change the colour of my brackets every month?
No silly. Not your brackets. Brackets are all one colour. They're silver. What makes braces so fun and fascinating is the very fact that you get to put on 'rubberbands' around the brackets. That's what gives braces their colour! You can go pink, blue, green, black, purple etcetc. You name it, they've got the colour!
How often do I get to change the colour of my rubberbands?
It should be a monthly thing! So you get to change it every month. But don't forget that besides being able to change the colour of your rubberbands, you would also get your braces tightened monthly.
Does tightening my braces hurt?
Yeah, it will for a few days and then you'll be back to normal! :)
What kind of food must I avoid after just getting braces?
I won't recommend eating solid foods because it will be a little difficult to chew. So stick to a liquid food diet. Like soups, porridge, oats etc... Or soft foods like scrambled eggs and tofu should also be fine. Just don't eat chips, burgers, nuts etc.
So, how long will braces cause pain and discomfort?
When you first
get braces on, your teeth will hurt or you may be in some
amount of discomfort for several weeks. After
about a month, it is better. In a few months, you may even
forget that you are wearing them. Within 3 months you will
be able to eat almost
anything you like. In six months, you might even be biting
into hard cookies, chips, and crusty bread once again. Eat
these things in moderation and always be careful.
Do I have to brush my teeth after every meal? It is highly recommended because food can get stuck in your braces/brackets without you even knowing and that can be really annoying and not forgetting, gross. So always bring a dental floss, mini toothbrush or toothpick if you're heading out. :) How long do I need to wear braces for? It depends on how bad your teeth are. It can be as short as a year and a half or even as long as 5 years(my friend had hers on for 5 years). But that's only for really serious cases. Braces usually shouldn't take any longer than 3 years. :) Then what about retainers?
Retainers is the after-treatment process after braces. In the beginning, you're going to have to put it on 24/7. So yes, that can be really annoying. But please religiously wear your braces on or your teeth will shift back to how it once was, which is obviously what you do not want.
After a few months, you will only be needed to wear retainers at night! :)
And the most common question of all....
Where did you get your braces done?
I had mine done at a private clinic and so it is more expensive. If you get yours done at a hospital, there'll be a government subsidy... however the only sucky thing is that you'll have to be put on the waiting list, which could take even longer than a year. If your teeth aren't really in dire need of help, I'd suggest going for that because you can save up to a thousand bucks or more!
As for me I had mine done at Pristine Dentalworks which is located at Kembangan Plaza. There are other outlets as well. Go google it. :)
So I hope I have helped you somehow. If you still have further questions, feel free to ask me or just take it up with your dentist. They'll have the best answers for you.
Good Luck! The process of having braces isn't all that bad, after while you'll eventually grow to like yourself in braces. No pain no gain right? And trust me, the end result will be well worth it!
Lots of Love,
Sofia Dendroff
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